Chapter 6

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A/N: In this story, I am saying that Steve is about 25. I am going by the stats that he was 18 when he joined the army, and then after a couple of years of service and after he was frozen, he would be able 25. NOT counting the time he was asleep. Just to clear things up :)

Disclaimer: I only own my O/C and the plot. Everything else belongs to Marvel.

The first sign I got that something was wrong was when I began feeling a sharp pain in my side. I must have been walking for about a day, but thankfully the carrier had landed in sight to the Stark Tower, so I could see where I was heading. Now, I must only have a couple of blocks to go until I reach the entrance of the towering building that stood high above all the other buildings of New York. At first I brushed off the pain in my side, thinking it must just be from tiredness or something similar, but I began to worry as the pain didn't subside, only getting worse the nearer I got to the building. I quickened my pace; my vision had begun swimming and I didn't want to black out on the middle of the street. I had studied plans of the tower before, something my father had encouraged, and I knew there was a small door on the side, which led to a basement room. As I slipped through the door, the pain suddenly stopped.

I leant against the wall for a couple of seconds, letting my thoughts wonder as I caught my breath. I wondered if Fury had started a search for me or just given up. I still felt bad for the trouble I had caused, and my heart still ached for how much hate I could see in Steve's eyes when I spoke to him, and how annoyed the rest of the team were with me. Especially Clint. Wiping away a stray tear from the corner of my eye, I pushed myself off the wall, staying standing for barely a second before dropping to the floor, gasping for breath as pain took over again. My body felt like it was on fire, and I felt myself throw up onto the ground beside me. I tried once more to take in the much-needed air, failing, before darkness overcame me and my head hit the ground.

My head hurt like hell. It almost hurt to think. Come to think of it, my whole body ached. I cautiously opened my eyes, squeezing them shut again immediately at the bright light that attacked me. Slower this time, I opened them again, blinking until I got used to the change in light and then began looking around. I was in a room. The same room I last remember being in. From the looks of the ceiling I was under a staircase, and luckily I could see a door to my left. Warily I lifted my hand to my forehead, wincing in pain as my fingers brushed the skin, and pulling them away they were coated in fresh blood. I didn't want to panic, but terror was starting to creep up on me. As I pushed myself slowly to my feet my vision was still swimming and the pain in my abdomen was still present. And I had no idea why.

(Back at the Carrier – No ones P.O.V)

"Any luck?" Fury's voice was heavy with tiredness and full of anger as he faced the small group of people in front of him, all who looked as tired and worn out as him.

"No sir. Since we spotted her at the edge of the city we have had no sightings. We've lost her," Agent Hill stepped forward, speaking on behalf of the group, much to Tony's annoyance.

"You can't have lost her. S.H.I.E.L.D has the top equipment right?" Clint asked, watching Fury nod. "So why can't you find her?" He raised his voice, only calming down when Natasha placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We have to find her." Clint finished, whispering, and showing the rest of his team a more vulnerable side that he never wanted to reveal.

"We will," Bruce tried to reassure Clint, but was interrupted as Steve spoke up.

"She is only going to cause more trouble. If she doesn't want to be found, then so be it. We have bigger problems to worry about." Natasha nodded in agreement, much to Clint's annoyance.

"You can't just leave her on her own!" Clint shouted, knowing he was letting his emotions get in the way of his work, but not caring a bit about it.

"Clint is right," Fury said, speaking up again. "As much as I don't want her on this ship, I need her to be here. She's in danger. Her father was experimenting on her… I don't know what he did, or why he did it, I only know that whatever she know has the ability to do could be a game changer if she gets in the wrong hands."

"You're talking about her as if she doesn't get a say in what happens, as if she isn't a living girl!" Clint yelled, annoyed at Fury.

"You're letting your emotions get in the way of your work, Barton. You've known her for only a day. Don't get attached," Fury hissed and Clint stared at him.

"She is my sister. I checked. I ran a DNA test. We're siblings. I'm not going to leave her on her own, no matter how much you guys might hate her," he whispered, before grabbing his bow and storming out of the room, Natasha following him soon after. Everyone stood around in shock, but before anyone could talk again, Tony's phone started to beep.

"That's weird," he stated, looking at the device in his hand in confusion.

"What's weird, Tony?" Steve asked, the authority obvious in his voice as he faced Stark, waiting for an answer.

"Someone just disabled Jarvis. Nobody can disable Jarvis. Someone's broken into my tower and hacked me!" He spoke with disbelief. He stood motionless for a moment, before springing into action, bringing up the Stark Tower security cameras on the screen in front of him. It wasn't long before he isolated movement; to everyone's surprise it was Eleanor they were seeing on the camera in front of them.

"She doesn't look to good," Bruce Banner observed with genuine worry as the small group watched her stumble around the room where she was obviously searching for it. They could only watch on as she once again collapsed to the ground, but not before her hand grasped something on the table in front of her. Barely conscious they watched as she injected herself with whatever was in the needle she now held in her hand, before she passed out, lying lifeless on the ground once again.

"She shouldn't have done that," Tony said, worry beginning to become apparent in his tone. "I don't have a clue what's in those needles. But I can guarantee half of it probably isn't good to have running around your veins. If you want her alive, Fury, we need to get to the tower now."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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