Chapter Five (Part Two): Re-Writing the Future

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(Blaze's POV)

"Blaze, wake up. We're late." I hear Jinxx's voice say. I sit up thinking what the time was.

"Jinxx, it's too early! Five more minutes!" I say with a tired voice, turning over and pulling the covers over my head. Seconds later, the covers are yanked off me.

"Gah, what the- Jinxx!" I yelled.

"No, you need to get up! Don't you want to see Arthur?" I paused. Dammit. I groan getting out of my bed.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up!" I quickly put my boots on and grab my pack. Jinxx and Merlin are already ready to go and I follow behind them. We say our goodbyes to Gaius and head out.
The court yard is buzzing with a lot of people. The are kids running around and their parents buying from the market. Merlin had already woke Arthur up and got him ready to train for the morning. We make it to the training grounds and right away I spot Arthur. The Knights are in a big circle around Arthur and his opponent. We get to a tent and Merlin tells us to put our packs down in the corner. We go back out to watch the battle. We're on the sidelines but because Merlin is his servant he gets front row and he takes us along with him. I watch Arthur fight for several more minutes and then the fight ends with Arthur getting his opponent pinned on the ground and the sword across his neck. Very close to cutting it. The Knights clap around and Arthur helps the man up. Arthur comes toward us, tossing his sword at Merlin. He notices Jinxx and I, but doesn't say anything. They take the lead back to the tent with us following behind. When Arthur takes the chain torso off and hands it to Merlin, Merlin stumbles a bit. Arthur laughs at Merlin for being so weak. Merlin just ignores him and puts the chain away. Jinxx and I are sitting on one of the benches.

"I see you brought Blaze and Jinxx with you today. Are you introducing them to everyone?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, they're staying with me and they wanted to come along today." Merlin answers, then looks like he remembered something. "Oh, by the way Arthur, Blaze wants to test out her skills with a sword. You should spar with her some time." Merlin glances at me with a smile that says 'try out your skills on Arthur'. I give him a 'fine' face and make eye contact with Arthur.

"Oh, you do now? Do you think you could beat me?"

"Uh well, I don't know but I can try." I answer with my cheeks turing pink.

"Hm, okay, we'll see about that." He says grabbing his sword. "Then think fast." He then throws the sword at me, with the tip facing up. I quickly grab the handle, catching the sword that could have injured Jinxx and I. Arthur just scoffs and leaves the tent.

"What was that about?" I turned to Jinxx.

"He's probably just annoyed that you caught the sword. Then again he is cocky, so him being annoyed with someone who could potentially be better than him, explains why." Merlin and I both laugh.

"Haha true." I agreed. We grab our stuff and leave the tent. We head towards the castle entrance.

"Okay, we'll meet Lady Morgana and Gwen should be with her." Jinxx and I both nod as we enter and go up the stairs. Merlin knocks on Morgana's door. The door opens and we see Gwen, who recognises Merlin. She smiles and then her brows furrow in confusion.

"Oh, Merlin, glad to see you, and who are these lovely ladies?" She looks at us.

"Gwen, this is Jinxx and Blaze, they're new to Camelot."

"Nice to meet you." Jinxx and I say in unison. We looked at each other. Oops. Jinxx's voice says in my head.

"Haha well, it's nice to meet you too. Here, come in." Gwen smiles and opens the door more. We enter and are greeted by Morgana. A sudden rage starts to build in me. I grab ahold of Jinxx's arm with a tight grip. She groans. Seeing Morgana's face made me want to punch her. Wait, no. This Morgana's good not evil. I calm my nerves. Breath, Blaze, breath.

"Hello dears." Morgana says with a smile.

"This is Blaze and Jinxx." Merlin motioned to us. We both smile and say hello.


And thus begins the re-writing of time. Or whatever. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment, and keep reading! This is co-writer, @DustWithinTheGalaxy signing off! Love ya!

Hey, Lovelies, It's moi, EmzyyIrene! I hope you guys enjoyed this second chapter written by the co-author, even though it was quite short. I'm going to pick up where it left off so you'll hopefully be getting a double-update today. Keep Reading, Keep Interacting, Keep Smiling! Love You! -EmzyyIrenexx

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