Chapter Three: Destiny

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"Holy shit." We breathed together. Merlin gaped at Kilgarrah before looking at us with wide eyes filled with questions. He remained silent, eyes staying on us. Kilgarrah raised his head and looked expectant.

"So... So, like, um... what?" I said. Blaze nodded.

"Exactly what I was thinking." She whispered still in awe. That's when I noticed her grip on my forearm, at somepoint during this she had sustained a death grip. My eyes trailed down to it and then back up as Kilgarrah laughed once again.

"It would seem you do not know of your destiny."

"Ah, no shit, Sherlock." Blaze and I said sarcastically. Kilgarrah gave a reptillian look of skeptacism towars our word choice.

"Well, would you like to know?"

"What? So, they get a choice in this?" Merlin scoffed looking a bit put-out.

"No, their destiny itself is inevitable, however it does not matter how that destiny is discovered. Some may play out their destiny with no knowledge of it. Some, like you, Merlin, must be told at somepoint of that destiny for them to eventually realize it. They will reach their destiny whether they conciously choose to or not, it seems their destiny may have already begun it's course. You have remembered things, discovered talents you did not have before, maybe?"

We all looked at Kilgarrah wide eyed. Merlin probably because Kilgarrah did not speak in riddles, (as every "Merlin" fan knows he does way to often) Blaze and I at the fact he knew of the visions we had seen and referred to them as memories, as well as his knowledge of my seemingly uncontrollable and possibly powerful magic.

"Yes, we-- we remembered, or saw but it felt like remembering, some things and now I seem to have powers-- er-- um-- magic..." I spoke up hesitantly.

"Kilgarrah, it seems like we had a life in this time, but we remember living out a life in the future. A-and here we are sisters, twins, in the future we were just bestfriends who happened to have birthdays one before the other. She was older by a day, the meanie." Blaze added.

"Hey, I didn't choose to be a day older. jeez you're still so jelly you must reeeeally need some peanut butter." I said off-handedly.

"As I said before, you are the Sisters of Time Itself, of Past, Present, and Future. You have lived out a life in the past, aswell as a life in the future, and those lives and their memories have merged together to create your present. You are the very embodiments of time."

So, like how Merlin doesn't just have magic he is magic, we are time. Sweet. Then I remembered what else he had called us. Blaze seemed to remember at the same time as me.

"You also said Sisters of Sword and Sorcery?" We inquired.

"Blaze, you are the sister of the Sword. You are as skilled with a sword as if it were apart of you, no one could match your skills if they tried, not even Arthur. You could say that your blade blazes bright as a flame and burns down your enemies so they remain nothing but ashes. Jinxx, your magic is a part of you and though it may not be as powerful as Merlin's it is still a very close match. A simple jinx from you could knock your enemies into nonexistance. You will need both of these skills in your destiny."

"Woah." I breathed.

"Siiick." Blaze dragged out leaning back slightly.

"We are epic!!" We squealed with grins on our faces.

"But, what exactly is their destiny?" Merlin finally spoke up, looking thoughtful.

"To make sure that your destiny and Arthur's are fufilled. To right the wrongs that they have knowledge of from their future lives using the skills they have from their past lives, ultimately creating the perfect legend. You are to protect Arthur, and they are to assist in that in anyway possible as well as protect you. They are here to mold every piece of time into place." With that said Kilgarrah suddenly flew into the air leaving all of us to stare at the place he last was and think of all that was said. There was so must pressure in this that I almost had another panic attack, but I had enough of that for a lifetime in the past day so I somehow managed to keep it in with a few deep breathes and closed eyes.

"So, pretty much everything rests on our shoulders and is up to us, we can change anything? Mold every piece of time into place, what does that mean?"

"Sounds fun." Blaze said. "Look at it this way, Jinxx, we are finally able to make everything that went horribly in the show, okay again. We can fix problems faster, we can save people. We just have to find out what part of the story we are in so that we can rewrite the next chapter."

We climbed the stair together, talking of our newfound destiny, Blaze really wanted to test out her sword skills and I couldn't wait to work on controlling my magic and learning more about it. Camelot was so much better than our old (or future?) town.

We didn't even realise that we had left Merlin behind or here him shout. "I guess I'll just wait here then! Oh, yeah, go on with your lives, Merlin doesn't need to come along." If we had seen the look on his face we would have been crying with laughter.

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