Chapter 6: An Honest Start

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Ow, ow, ow. I think, as Blaze wraps a python-like grip around my arm. This bitch and her strength. I look to her, and can spot the sudden chill in her eyes, and I know what she's thinking. She's pissed about Morgana, her turn always made Blaze go blind with anger, often times resulting in the loss of feeling in my arm. As I watched she took a breather and then the tenseness of her shoulders eased and I could see a reminiscent look swipe away the cold. She knew Morgana hadn't turned yet, and she knew that this time, with us here, it would never happen. Probably. Hopefully. I wasn't going to bet on it; but I had to. It was our destiny, and I would be lying if I said that didn't terrify me.

"Hello, dears." Morgana says with a bright smile.

Merlin motions to us, "This is Blaze and Jinxx".

I glance at Blaze one last time as we both smile as well. "Hiya!" I say, as I hear Blaze's, slightly less enthusiastic, "hello".

Okay, good, we didn't talk in unison first-off and creep her out or anything.

"Are you new to Camelot?"

"Yup!" We state. Oh, gosh, there goes not creeping her out. We look at each other wide-eyed before glancing at Merlin guiltily. "Sorry-- oops!"

We clamp our hands over each other's mouths as Merlin rolls his eyes and begins to laugh.

"Good friends, then, I take it?"

We nod and try to tell her "sisters", but nothing surpasses our hands but a couple soft mumbling sound.

"Twins." Merlin speaks up, we all turn to him as he shakes his head to the ground. "They talk at the same time a lot. I guess we'll all have to get used to it."

I take Blaze's hand from my mouth, "He finds it creepy--", then replace it.

Blaze does the same. "--And annoying."

We both remove the other's hand. "I have no idea why!"

We glare at each other for a moment, but our faces soften as we can hear Morgana laughing excessively.

"My, you two are characters, aren't you?"

I look at Blaze. "Does she mean that literally?"

"I think she does, dear Jinxxy."

"But in which sense, dear Blazey?"

"The literal one, that's what I just said." She rolls her eyes.



We both turn away from each other and back to Morgana. "Then, yes." We say. Then, "In both senses", as an after thought.

"Where did you find these two, Merlin?" Gwen speaks up, with a bemused smile on her face.

"In a lake." I say.

"In the woods." Blaze says.

"It was cold." I respond.

Blaze hits me, "They don't care about that!".

I rub my head and mumble, "Well it was".

"You two forget the most important part, you called Arthur and I 'Bradley' and 'Colin'." Merlin butts in.

We turn on him, "You look exactly the same, okay!?".

Merlin sighs. We turn to Morgana. "Anyway," I say "I'm so glad to finally be meeting you. You really are just as beautiful in person."

"And I guess you aren't half bad." Blaze says softly.

Morgana looks at us confused for a moment. "You've heard much about me, then?"

"We've heard a lot about everyone in Camelot! Gwen, your hair really is curled perfectly, is that honestly natural or do you--" Blaze hits me over the head again. "Ow! Blaze Klark, stop hitting me, I'm the older one, I deserve the right!"

Blaze sticks her tongue out at me. "You were talking too much! And who cares if you're older if I'm the one that acts older!"

"Well, I'm still older," I mutter. Gwen and Morgana threw bewildered glances across the room, Merlin feigning innocence by throwing in a few glances as well. "Weeelllll, this is awkward..." I break the silence.

"Yeah, uh, hey, Merlin, why don't we go see if Arthur is ready for that duel?"

"Duel, what duel?" Morgana looks at us with a softly furrowed brow.

"Blaze is a grand swordswomen. She had a lighthearted duel with Leon yesterday, winning fairly quickly, and Leon suggested she ask Arthur for a duel. He scoffed earlier, but Blaze, and Jinxx too, are rather persistent and aren't ready to give up yet." Merlin explains.

Hell nah we ain't.

Merlin and Blaze turn to me with wide eyes and Morgana looks at me even more confused. "Did you say something."


"Uhm, time to go!" Merlin called, grabbing our wrists and dragging us from the chambers.

"Bye Gwen, Bye Morgana!" We call out.


"What were you thinking!" Merlin exclaims when we reach the armory, he swings his arms in exasperation. "She doesn't realize she has magic yet! This could-- this could change everything!"

"I-- all I was doing was thinking! I thought! I don't-- I don't have control, Merlin. I haven't had the chance to learn yet! In this time we were on the run because of my lack of control, and in the other time magic didn't exist! And isn't the point to change things? Isn't that what Blaze and I are here to do? Change history so that it goes a lot smoother than it did originally?" I stood there, breathing heavily for a moment, my arms open wide in a show of exasperation. He stared at me with a look I couldn't read, stuck somewhere between surprise and possibly it was confusion or maybe some other emotion. I just wasn't sure. Blaze stood to the side, I could tell she wanted to intervene, but she held her tongue; she knew magic wasn't her place to speak the same as fighting wasn't mine. "I just-- I don't know what you want, Merlin! We know how this all ends and we can fix it, because despite what you think there are things to fix, but if... if you want us to go, to keep running, I guess we will."

"Jinxxy, no!" Blaze stepped forward. Merlin said nothing.

I sighed. "Come on, Blazey, let's go. Merlin can find us when he's ready."

And with that we walked out of the armory, out of the castle, and out of Camelot. We didn't stop until we were sat on a log upon a cliff, looking over Camelot. "What now, Jinxx?"

"Now... now we wait."

"But for what?"

"For our Destiny."

"How the heck will we know when our destiny comes, Jinxx, it's an intangible thing... Oh, jeez, I don't think I even knew I knew that word..." I hit her upside the head. "Ow..."

"Just shut up and wait, we have all the time in the world after all."

"Yeah, according to a giant lizard... Ow, Jinxx!"

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