Chapter 3: If looks could kill...

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Chapter 3: If looks could kill...

It was now almost night fall and my wounds were close to completely gone. Much of my strength was used in healing my hand and bruised ribs so when it was time to walk home I could barely stand up. I leaned against my bicycle when I heard a car coming up the road. I saw the headlights of the vehicle and moved to the side of the road.

I kept my head down trying to blend into the darkness but when I heard the car stop and the door open I began tremble in fear. I cowered away from the wolf standing in front of me and when he reached towards me I flinched back knocking over my bicycle.

"Hey. It's okay. It's just me." Noah said.

I looked up and saw his brown eyes looking straight at me. He held me up by my arms and brought me to his car. He opened the passenger side door and helped me into the seat. He rounded the car and put my bag in the back before coming to sit in the driver's seat.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he said in a reserved voice fearing that I might break down any second.

I shook my head and continued staring ahead. We sat like that for a while. The car parked to the side and us sitting in the darkness.

"It was the pack again." I said

"What did they do?"

"The usually. Hurt me then force me to heal myself. What hurts more than anything is that the ones I grew up with and found a new family are the ones who now terrorize me." I said in a whisper.

It fell quite again and I heard Noah move in his seat to pull out his phone. The light from his cell lit the inside of the car.

"It's almost eleven. I think I should take you home." He said and started the car.

I leaned over to pull the seat belt over me but winced when I tried to grip the buckle with my injured hand.

"Here let me." Noah said and reached over to my side. He pulled the buckle in place and looked up to give me another one of his warm smiles.

I didn't notice how close he was but when I looked up to match his eyes our noses were a few inches away and I could see the small flecks of black in his eyes. He leaned in closer and brought his hand to my face and brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear. My breathing had stopped and was frozen still with Noah being this close to me.

"You are a beautiful girl Layla." Noah said and began to lean in closer.

I was still frozen and my eyes grew bigger as Noah's eyes fell in my lips.

My eyes were the size of saucers when I heard Noah laughing. He pulled away and laughed at my expression.

"Calm down Layla. I won't kiss you and judging from the way your heart was beating it would have been your first." he said still laughing as he fell back into his seat.

I was still shocked and flushed from Noah's little prank but when I recovered I sent my hand flying against his shoulder.

"There is no shame in saving your first kiss for your mate!" I said fuming that Noah the one guy in the pack who was actually nice to me was now the cause for my embarrassment.

"Oh. So you're one of those girls!" he said as he pulled away from the side of the road.

"What do you mean, 'one of those girls'?" I said eyeing his next move.

"The ones that wait for their mate who will sweep them off their feet." he said with sarcasm laced in every word.

"Sorry for believing in true love. If you haven't noticed already but a mate is something I won't find in my pack so that gives me reason to believe that he is out there somewhere. And when we find each other we will love one another unconditionally. That when we see each other there won't be anyone else on his mind. Only me. I want a mate that would hug me and hold me close at night."

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