Chapter 17: If I die, you will...

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Chapter 17: If I die, you will...

I sensed the pack behind me and I turned my head slightly to see most of my pack in wolf form but Jayden and a few who stood behind him were in their human form.

Alpha Neal trotted towards me and said through the link, "You have a beautiful wolf. Your parents would be proud."

"Thank you Alpha Neal."

Jayden walked up to me and I felt his hand on my fur. I nuzzled his hand breathing in his scent. I heard a rustling in the trees and two wolves flew out towards us. James and Vlad halted when they saw us. They growled but did not advance to attack. Romero came right behind them and he growled showing his canines. His wolf had grey fur and stood ready to strike. His eyes fixed on me and without a second glance he leaped towards me. But before he could get close enough to even touch me the wolves who stood behind Jayden moved like the wind and shifted, pinning him down. I saw Jayden nod towards them and they bit down into their necks paralysing their bodies.

I kept my eye fixed on Romero as they carried him inside the pack house. I saw the hunter's knife pocketed in its sheath on his hip and bit down on it ripping off his waist. Alpha Neal shifted and threw on a pair of shorts. He gave me a nod and continued inside. Jayden handed me clothes to change into. I ran around to a tree and shifted putting on the pants and flannel shirt he gave me. I walked back out and Jayden pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back and I felt him dip his head into the crook of my neck and take a deep breath.

"Don't ever leave me again." He said. His voice sounded strained and hurt. I weaved my hands into his hair and pressed my body against him. He pulled back slight and captured my lips in his. The kiss was hard and desperate. He sucked my bottom lip and bit down snaking his tongue into my mouth. I felt his hands on my waist and he brought my hips towards him. I had my arms wrapped around his neck as I moved my lips against his meeting his movements with the same desperation he felt. We were breathing hard and I saw his eyes had changed colour.

"Your eyes?" I asked barely above a whisper.

"They have been doing that since I punched Kegan." He said and smirked. I gasped watching the colour change but he pulled back grabbing my hand. "Let's go. I want to personally see the bastard suffer."

We walked inside and I saw Alpha Neal waiting in the kitchen. We had changed into his own clothes and looked ready for a business meeting. He wore grey dress pants and a button up dress shirt. He didn't say anything but opened the door leading to the holding cells under the pack house. We walked down the spiral steps and in the center cell Romero was sitting on a chair with his hands and feet tied to the chair.

"Well if it isn't the great and mighty Alpha Neal." He sneered. His eyes shifted to Jayden and his smile widened. "Oh! You are the lucky boy who snatched my poor Layla away from me. I knew your father, trust me when I say he'd be disappointed."

I felt Jayden stiffen beside me but Alpha Neal cut him off.

"There is no point in prolonging this. You have no way of escaping now. We will make your death quick or if you wish I can give you up to Jayden and trust me when I say it won't be pretty."

Alpha Neal's used his Alpha tone when he said each word and the power radiating off him was felt throughout the room. Romero watched us, weighing each option. The time he took to make a decision was making me anxious and from the new found strength I had from finally shifting all I wanted to do was rip him limb from limb for torturing me and killing my parents.

He looked straight at me and said, "If you think you have won well you have another thing coming."

His laugh filled the room and echoed off the walls. It was a demented laugh and it chilled my bones. I felt Jayden stiffen and pull me closer to his side. Alpha Neal stepped into the cell closing the door behind him.

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