Chapter 26: I, Layla,...

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A/N Cover above made by inevitxble Isn't it amazing!

Chapter 26: I, Layla,...

"Welcome White Thorn Pack to a very much overdue inauguration for your next Alpha!" Alpha Neal's voice bounced off the trees as it boomed in our ears. The power behind each of his words was breathtaking and authoritative. He smiled at his pack as he said. "Since this pack is prone to interruptions and this is the second time we are trying this I'll try to keep it fast and straight forward."

The pack laughed in response to their Alpha and I could sense the pride and respect they all held for Alpha Neal. The pack looked up to him and above all loved him.

"As you all know my daughter has proven herself as the rightful Alpha for this pack and is also of Shifter descent. Since this pack was originated from Shifter blood there is no mistake that Layla be born with the Alpha gene compatible with this pack. Due to her pure shifter blood she is a born leader and I as her Alpha and her father will take the responsibility to train and prepare her for the title of Alpha." Alpha Neal paused as the pack began to cheer and applauded. I heard some wolf howls in the background and I felt myself swell with pride. Alpha Neal turned towards me and Jayden and giving one final nod he turned back to the pack.

"Please let us all welcome Layla and her mate Jayden to the White Thorn pack as your soon to be Alpha mates!" Alpha Neal concluded and I saw the pack cheer and clap for me. I saw some of the wolves from Northern clapping as well and a few of the children running around howling like the wolves who had shifted.


I heard Jayden's voice in my head and I looked back to see that his face showed worry. I gave his a small smile turning to Alpha Neal.

"Alpha Neal, I have something to say. It's very important." I whispered. Judging from the look on his face he had no idea what I was going to say. I guess Jayden didn't discuss this with him prior to telling me. He waved his hand forward giving me the go to address the pack. I looked out to the crowd and took a deep breath. The yard was dark and the lights coming from the back deck of the house illuminated the clearing. The moon was above us and the night air blew around us.

"Fellow White Thorn pack members! I have a request to make as the future Alpha and I need your consent on this before we go through with this adjustment." My voice boomed in the clearing and I felt everyone's eyes on me. The children stopped in their tracks and unlike before they too immediately silenced and looked towards me.

"Some of you may not know but my mate, Jayden Cairstay, is not an ordinary wolf. He too possesses the Alpha gene but not for the Black Moon pack or the White Thorn pack but for his own wolves, the Shadows." I looked towards the ten wolves who lingered in the back and I saw them bow their head in respect.

"I request that Jayden not be pledged into the White Thorn pack but be able to remain Alpha of the Shadows and co exist on our lands. Since he is Alpha to a very strong and ancient pack like ourselves I believe this union of packs will be beneficial to us in the future. Also Jayden will not have to step down and forever end the Shadows name. Therefore I ask as your future Alpha to welcome the Shadows on our lands for I am also their Luna and I too cannot ask for them to leave their pack for me." I finished and I felt Alpha Neal still beside me.

The pack was silent and I saw some of the elders looking towards me and Jayden with worry lines on their foreheads. They turned to one another and saw their head shaking side, they look up to Alpha Neal and I could see them mind linking their answer to Alpha Neal. I saw Alpha Neal's eyes glaze over and I saw Kate emerge out from the house as well. She looked up at me and gave me wink and encouraging smile.

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