Chapter 4: Two weeks...

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Chapter 4: Two weeks...

The laughing had died down but the video was still out there. While walking on campus there was not one day that the wolves did not mention a sly comment on mates and the slim to none possibility of me even having one.

I was walking to the food court when a group of girls approached me with fake smiles plastered on their faces. I hunched over trying to conceal myself so they would leave me alone but that was not on their agenda.

"Hey you!"

I stopped in my tracks when I heard the girl call me. I stood in my spot frozen hoping that they would leave me alone because being reminded of the fact that Noah betrayed my trust just to earn street cred had hurt me deep. I had adapted to the pack bullying and humiliating me but when Noah made me trust him only to betray me in the end, opened up old wounds that I had worked hard to patch.

"I just wanted to tell you, as a concerned pack mate that is," she paused to give me a petty smile, "you have no chance in finding your mate. Your father was a weak wolf who was killed by humans and couldn't even protect his family. You have a face not even your moth­e­─ dead mother could love. And while you die a miserable lonely death we will live as strong female wolves who will protect our pups and have strong mates that love us. So I just wanted to ask you to put your petty dream of finding a mate to rest and just live out your days. Its best that way."

She placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad smile. Behind her, her friends were giggling as their friend insulted me.

I felt the tears slide down my face and it was too late to hide them. My vision blurred and I could feel a lump forming in my throat. I drew my hood up and turned to leave the food court. I heard the crowd being to laugh as I looked frantically for a way to leave circle that had formed around us. I saw an opening and ran.

I ran until I was back on the gravel path secluded from any major roads. I slowed down and came to a large rock that was hidden away in the trees. I climbed on top of it and sat silently crying.

I cried for my parents.

Why did they have to leave me?

I cried trying to remember their faces. Their faces were beginning to blur and I tried hard to keep them locked in my memory.

I laid back on the rock and closed my eyes. I drew in long breaths of the forest air and felt myself calm down. The forest was home. It was my favourite place as a child when my parents were still alive. My father would shift and I would run around and play while my father watched over me. He would sometimes chase me or I would climb onto his back while me ran in the forest. I would look up and see the leaves and trees passing by in a blur and loved the feel of the wind against my face.

The forest was home.

I saw that the sun had started to go down and decided it was time I headed home.

I slowly walked to the pack house. In the driveway I saw a few cars parked. There must be a pack meeting being held. I opened the door and saw a few seniors from school along with the elders of the pack seated in the living room. I quickly discarded my shoes and began to make my way to my room.

As the Alpha's daughter I was suppose to attend pack meetings but Kegan had made it clear last year that I was not welcomed.

I still had the scar to remind me.

"Layla. Join us downstairs once you have set your things away in your room." Alpha Neal said who was seated at the head of the table.

I saw Kegan ground his teeth and saw many of the younger wolves glare at me.

"But Alpha she is not a wolf. And this meeting can be held without her." Kegan said with a curt voice.

I saw the elders send a warning look to Kegan.

"Watch your tone son. You are not the Alpha. I am. And I am well aware of how to run a pack meeting without your help. Now quite down." Alpha Neal said looking at Kegan with a stern look.

"Layla we are waiting. Come down right away." Alpha Neal said changing his voice to one of a gentler tone.

I rushed up stairs and quickly changed out of my clothes to put on new and clean ones that didn't smell like I spent the day running and hiding out in the forest. I came downstairs and entered the living room. I saw a seat was left vacant for me and I bowed my head towards the elders and went to sit down. My seat was to the left of Alpha Neal and I was sitting opposite Kegan. I could feel his eyes on me and was relieved when Alpha Neal began to speak.

"We have received a request for help from a pack in need. I assume you all have heard of the Shadows, a rogue pack that was formed centuries ago when the first wolves were created by the Goddess. The Black Moon Pack's Alpha has requested our help in their battle against the Shadows this upcoming Black Moon Festival. Alpha Cairstay has informed me that there is a breach in their secrecy and there is doubt of an inside informer. We have been asked to step into battle if they encounter any unsuspected attack. "

"How do you plan to respond Alpha?" Elder Jacque asked.

"I have decided to send twenty-five warrior wolves who I will be leading along with a few medical aid packages which Layla will be in charge of. The rest of you will stay here with Beta Rick in charge while I am gone." Alpha Neal answered.

"WHAT!?" Kegan said standing up and knocking back his chair. I flinched at his outburst and could feel the hate radiating off him.

"Why are you sending her when you can send me to lead the warrior wolves and have the medical aid packages delivered?" Kegan said fuming.

"She isn't even a werewolf. I am next in line for Alpha. Let me go!" he continued.

Alpha Neal growled and I saw all the wolves at the table sink back into their seats.

"Sit down! You have no right to order me and the only reason you are being considered for Alpha is because no one has inherited the Alpha gene as of today and you are my eldest. Do not be fooled into thinking you have been named Alpha. You are a suggestion not a decision."

"And in case you have forgotten Layla is a healer. Something you will never be." Alpha Neal said causing Kegan to bow his head and submit in front of his Alpha.

Alpha Neal turned to me and said, "Layla we will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. I know this disturbs your schooling but I have requested student leave for two week from Northern for you. Pack a bag and be ready at six in the morning. Meeting adjourned."

The elders all got up and left. Kegan remained seated and when I stood up he said in a deadly voice, "Try anything in the next two weeks and I can guarantee that you won't be able to recognize yourself once I'm done with you."

I retreated to my room and closed the door behind me. I leaned back I drew in a shaking breath.

Two weeks.

Two weeks away from home.

Two weeks away from Northern.

Two weeks away from my brothers.

Two weeks away from the pack.

Once the thought sunk in I found myself grinning at the empty bag placed on my bed.

A/N Yeah! Two updates in one day! God bless summer vacation! I hope you all liked that chapter! And I hope The Healer's Mate gets noticed as I post and progress this story further. I love reading over the chapters I have posted and yes I do read my own stories and I love hearing from you all as well.


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