Chapter 12: I'm her boyfriend...

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Chapter 12: I'm her boyfriend...

I sat at the breakfast table and picked at the cereal that floated around in my bowl. Andrew and Tony sat beside me and across from me sat Kegan. Alpha Neal had his newspaper held in front of his face and was sipping on his daily coffee. Jayden was wearing his usual black jeans and button up shirt. His hair was still slightly wet but just made him look even more attractive.

I didn't notice I was staring until he flashed me a knowing smirk and sat down beside Kegan.

"So Jayden. Do you have any plans today? I can take you along to meet some of my pack today if you'd like." Alpha Neal said setting his newspaper on the table and looking at him.

"Sure Alpha Neal, it would be nice to meet some of the wolves from the White Thorn pack." Jayden said and took a piece of buttered toast.

"Hey, is it true that were the future Alpha for the Shadows and that you lost your wolf?" Andrew said smiling and looking at Jayden.

"Andrew that is none of your concern and he does not have to answer that." Alpha Neal said and looked to Jayden, "Sorry my son can be ignorant to his surroundings."

"No its okay." Jayden said and looked to Andrew. He leaned back in his chair and squared his shoulders, raising his chin he said, "Yes I did lose my wolf but if I had not lost him you would not be sitting here because as the rightful Alpha and leader of the Shadows I would had wiped out every pack in this country including the one I belong to now. So don't assume I have changed or now favour other packs. I am still the only Alpha the Shadows have and can call on them any second."

I saw Andrew gulp and the table had fallen silent. I looked at Jayden but his eyes were burning a hole in Andrew. Hearing him speak with power and authority caused my insides to stir and my body to become restless. All I wanted to do was kiss him. I blushed remembering our first kiss.

"Well thank you for breakfast Kate." Jayden got up and carried his dishes to the sink. He told Alpha Neal that he would meet him outside and left the kitchen.

"He gives me the creeps." Andrew said.

Kegan, Tony, and Andrew left after Alpha Neal and Jayden and I got my bicycled out from back of the garage and began peddling to Northern.

I had only been gone for a week so I wasn't too far behind but I had a lot of catching up to do with notes. I locked my bike and walked into my first class.

I would be lying if I said walking into the lecture theatre didn't turn heads. I saw a few girls whispering and giving me quick glances. I walked down to the first row and sat down. I pulled out my notebook and wrote the date. A few more students piled into the room and I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket. I had picked it off my table this morning.

I'm sorry for what I did. Meet me after class? - Noah

I looked back and saw him sitting a few seats up staring at me. He mouthed please but I didn't respond, turning back in my seat I tried to focus on my notes. I felt my phone buzz again and it read,

Please Layla. Just two minutes.

I texted back a quick No and turned my phone off.

I didn't hear from Noah after and I stuck to staying in the library and only going to class to avoid any extra attention being drawn to me. I didn't see much of my brothers either so I was able to breathe normally without having to fear any unexpected run it or injury.

The day went by and my last class was just wrapping up. I waited until the lecture theatre cleared out before I got up. I bent down to pick up my bag when I saw someone come and stand in front of me. I straightened up and saw Noah.

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