Causing More Mischief

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I went home and changed into my costume."Hm I should pick a name for my self,hm what could it be,I know the city will know me as Mad Mac"I said."That's a clever name now everyone will know about you being insane"a voice said."Who's there"I said."Oh its just me your evil subconsciousness"the voice said."Well can I at least give you a name so I know who you are ?"I asked."Hm I see why not"the voice said."I guess I'll call you Harley since your evil just like Harley Quin"I said."Oh how delightful I get a name,but I must warn you when the sun comes up Ms.Goody Two Shoes will come out again in the day time"Harley said."So I should make the most of it now"I said.I grabbed my gun and headed out.I ran into the city it wasn't scary now that I was a bad ass.I walked to the museum."I heard there's a new gem in it it would be a shame if it was stolen"I said.I grabbed my gun and it turned into a bomb.I put the bomb at the door and went for cover.It blew up it triggered the alarm.I ran in and saw the gem but it was guarded by lasers."Ah who cares the alarm is already triggered" said.I turned my gun into a glass opening thing.I unscrewed the glass and grabbed the gem.Then the police came in."Drop the gem"one of the police men said."Hmpf you guys aren't any fun"I said.I frowned."Well I know what happens to people that aren't fun."Uh what happens to them"one of the police men said."They die!,but since you guys are just pathetic and wont be able to fight back I wont kill you guys"I said.I ran out through the other exit.I escaped just it time.I ran home and almost passed out.I was breathing heavy."I've got to get a ride I can't keep running its impossible"I said."Hey at least you got the gem"Harley said."oh ya that's right the gem"I said.I gabbed the gem from my vest pocket and looked at it."Its so beautiful"I said."Yes now its ours"Harley said."Maybe I should do something with it"I said."Like what?"Harley asked."Maybe a necklaces"I said.My gun turned into a hammer.1 hour passed and I finally made a heart shaped necklace."Finally it took forever"I said.I went to sleep in a spear room I found."Are you really going to sleep come on the night is still young"Harley said."But I'm tired"I said.I does off and fell sleep.I woke up only to the sound of a text.I grabbed my phone and turned it on.I almost went blind from the light.Lloyd had texted me.


Hey Mackenzie

Hey Lloyd

Have you heard the new jewel was stolen from the museum

Isn't it your job to stop that from happening

Well um ya

Maybe I can come over and help you catch this villain

That's sounds awesome thanks

No problem


I got up and took a shower.Even if the house was abandoned everything still worked.I changed and put on my necklace and headed out.It took a while because I had no ride.After 1 hour I finally got there.I walked in it was empty."Um wheres everyone ?"I said.Then I saw a room filled with everyone.I ran in."I'm here"I said.I was breathing heavy."You guys live really far,I need to get a motorcycle"I said."Oh hey Mackenzie"Lloyd said."Why's is she here ?"Kai said."I offered to help you guys"I said."Well we don't need your help"Kai said."Oh really"I said.I ran over to the table where everyone else was."After seeing stuff on the news she only attacks at night,she also loves to steal anything valuable and she wears a mask and shes armed,so this is what you do,you trap her in a place with something valuable,next you don't sneak attack but one of you comes out and faces her when shes detracted the rest of come from behind and tackle her,you take her weapons and then her mask because if she gets away you know who she is,see I can help I just made up a plan for you guys"I said."Wow your really smart"Jay said."Thanks but its just logic you gather evidence then you make a plan"I said."Still that was a quick plan"Lloyd said.Kai just stood looking at me."What can get over the fact that you didn't make a plan ?"I said."No"Kai said."Sure"I said.Then I got a phone call.


Mackenzie get to Borg Industries right now!

What why?

Your dad is gonna jump off aren't you see the news he killed someone and he said he's gonna jump.


I ended the call and went on the news app.


Today we have a murderous man planing to kill himself,he claimed the disappearance of his daughter lead him to kill his won wife who has a child and a husband.


I dropped my phone."That bastard blaming me for killing my own mother that I didn't even know"I said.I was pissed as hell and sad that he was gonna jump."Lloyd give me your bike"I said."Why"Lloyd said."Just do it"I said."I drive you but I'm not giving it to you"Lloyd said."Fine whatever just lets go"I said.I grabbed his arm and ran outside.We jumped on his motor cycle."Where are we going ?"Lloyd asked."Borg Industries and hurry please"I said.We drove full speed.After 5 minuets we arrived there was a massive crowed."Lloyd I need to get up there"I said.I remembered I had grabbed my gun before I left.I turned my gun into a grappling hook and shot it up there."Dad what are you doing?!I said."I'm ending my life"my dad said."I can see that"I said.My dad walked up to me and gave me a necklace(the one in the picture)."Give it to the one you fall in love with,good bye Mackenzie I'm sorry I was never a good father"my dad said.He pulled out a gun and shot himself in the head."DADDY!"i said screamed.I started to cry."He wasn't a good dad but he was still my dad"I said."Ma'm please jump down"someone said.I looked down and I saw firefighters with a blanket showing me the thumbs up.I jumped off and landed on the blanket.I got off and ran off.Lloyd started chasing me."Mackenzie wait up"Lloyd said."Leave me alone please"I said."No I wont"Lloyd said.I speed up but he still was chasing me.I ran into the forest and I lost him.I ran home and left alone in the woods.

(okay this was sad and holy moly ive got a lot of words written freaken 1055)

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