Feelings Return

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(by the way its still night time)

I opened my eyes I was surrounded by Lloyd in tears.I tried to talk the most I could but it was so hard."Lloyd"I said."Your awake"Lloyd said."What happened ?"I asked."Michael shot you in the chest and you blacked out,he left and I carried you here"Lloyd said."Where is Michael ?"I asked."I don't know don't care he abandoned you and shot you you don't need to care about him"Lloyd said."Lloyd do you still like me ?"I asked."Yes I do"Lloyd said."You do but I thought you said you couldn't date villain"I said."Ya but I changed my mind"Lloyd said."I don't know what to say"I said."Nothing you need to rest,sorry visiting hours done she needs to rest"a nurse said.I drifted of into sleep before I could say anything.I woke up in my bed."How am I back in my bed"I said.Then Michael walked in."Oh I healed and brought you back home"Michael said.I got up and went to watch T.V.I got bored so I started to text Lloyd.



Hi,um you want to um go on that date ?


Alright I'll pick you up 


I got up and ran back into my room.I stopped at my door and put my ear to it someone was talking I assumed it was Michael."I shot her and could've killed her"Michael said.I was shocked that he even did shoot me I know he was aiming to shoot Lloyd but still he could have been there at least when I was at the hospital.Michael started talking again."Damn this stupid curse !"Michael shouted.I ran into and hugged him."Its not your fault its your curse don't blame it on your self"I said."But if I didn't have magic you could have died"Michael said."Ya but I didn't"I said.I stopped hugging him."Now get out"I said."Why ?"Michael."Because I'm going on a date and I need to change"I said.I started pushing him out"Wait with who,is it with Lloyd I bet it is don't go out with him he hurt your feelings"Michael."Ya but I still like him"I said."After I kissed you you still like him ?"Michael said."Yes now get out"I said.I pushed him even harder,he finally got out after a million poses of trying to push him.I had not a lot to wear well not dresses.So I just put on a cute outfit(the one in the picture).I walked out."So is it good ?"I asked."Why ask me I'm not a girl"Michael said."Come on I know your jealous but come on at least help me"I said."Fine you look great"Michael said."Thank you"I said."And I'm not jealous"Michael said."Ya sure your totally not jealous"I said.The bell rang,I ran to the door and Lloyd was standing there."Shall we go?"Lloyd asked."Yup"I said.I closed the door and walked out with him.We got on his motorcycle."So where are we going ?"I asked."You'll see"Lloyd said.We drove in to the city and flew a little in the air.Then he let go off the bike and we where literally flying in the air well more like falling I started screaming the a dragon appeared.I was still screaming and hold on to Lloyd for dear life."You can stop screaming where not gonna die"Lloyd said."How dare you do that I could have died !"I shouted."It was part of my plan,and come on I've been through worse I was dropped 200 hundred feet in the air from a hot air balloon without a parachute"Lloyd said."How can you even walk ?!"I asked."This dragon is the reason I can walk"Lloyd said."Oh I guess its good to have a trusty dragon that can appear anytime"I said."Yup"Lloyd said."So where are we going ?"I asked."I told you its a surprise"Lloyd said.

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