Chapter 12

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Vera's outfit for school.

Vera's pov

Yesterday I had spent an entire day with my parents without any interruptions. That's exactly what I needed but it couldn't help but feel like a total bitch. I turned Ethan down and then got mad at him because he ignored me. I mean if someone rejected a kiss from me I would also ignore them so I didn't know I why I was so ignorant about it.

I acted like such a bitch and I had not right. I just hope he would understand. Currently I was at Walmart buying bucket loads of candy and an I'm sorry card which I had personally made to say.

'I'm sorry for being a colossal bitch please accept this candy and my sincerest apologies'

Clever right, wrong I was still debating on whether or not I should even try to apologize to Ethan I mean would he even accept it. I didn't want my idiotic behavior ending a friendship that had just started.

Once I had gotten everything I needed I drove to school. There was still 5 minutes till school started and I knew Ethan wouldn't bother going to his locker till the very last second so I decided to stand in the front of it and wait for him to show up.

The five minutes had past and I was still waiting for him to show up and at the last second just as I was about to give up and head to class. I saw him casually walking down the hallway but stop right when he saw the candy and me.

"Okay wait before you say anything of walk away please please please at least read the card" I said while handing him the card.

He signed and took the card admiring the cover before opening it. It took him about a second before he broke out into a smile.

"So does this mean we're good" I asked hopefully.

"Depends what kind of candy you brought" he said while pretending to look in the basket that came with the load of candy I purchased.

"Definitely forgiven" he said. That was enough for me as soon as I heard I was forgiven I ran and hugged him. At first Ethan tensed up before wrapping his arms around me. We stayed like that for about a minute before I decided to pull away.

"So since I can't eat all this candy by myself would you like to help me" Ethan asked while picking up the basket from the floor.

"Obviously" I said while pulling a bag of sour patch kids from the top.

"Hey those are my favorite" Ethan whined.

"Well their mine to plus there like 10 bag of sour patch kids in there." I said while opening the bag I had. I immediately pulled out a blue and popped it in my mouth. I pulled out a red and put it in Ethan's mouth.

He stared at me for a while before finally chewing in the candy I had put in his mouth.

"Well I gotta get to class meet up with you later" I asked.

"Always" Ethan said. I smiled and gave him one last hug before walking to my class.

Once I opened the door all eyes were on me including the teachers.

"Mrs. Allen why are you late" Mr. Davis asked. I looked down at the bag of sour patch kids that I was holding. I shrugged.

"Candy" I asked while holding the bag out for him to take one. He signed while rubbing his temples.

"No thank you but please go take a seat" he said while pointing to the desks.

"Your lose" I said while walking towards my desk. I saw Mason sitting in the middle row with a free desk next to him. I was going to sit there but I saw a free seat next to Ryder and I had to catch him up on what happened to me.

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