Chapter 43 - Luther

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My photo shop skills tho.


I could not believe myself. I could not comprehend that I had just stabbed the girl that I loved. confused me. She was the only person in the world that I didn't want to end up hurting. And in that process, she was one of the only ones I ended up hurting, in more ways than one. If she somehow died, her death would be on my hands.

My heart pounded deep within my hallow chest like a rabid animal trying to escape its cage of bone. The guilt had built up inside of me to the point where I couldn't contain it anymore. In the back of the police car, I broke down and cried. My hands were cuffed behind my back, so I didn't have anything to cry into. I just sat there, my head bowed in deep remorse of what I had done, and I let my tears drip off of my boney cheeks and seep into my black slacks. The two policemen in the front completely ignored my breakdown. For once, I was glad not to be noticed.

I thought back to the first moment that I had laid eyes on Ava. She was perfect, smooth, unscratched. She was beautiful, and I wasn't the only one who noticed this. I remember wanting to hiss and scare the other boys who looked at her. I remember the pride I felt as I walked with her through the hallway as she brought me to her car. Then I thought to the last moment that I had seen her.

Her bright, crystal-like eyes no longer had the same sparkle that they used to have. I had taken everything to her that she held dear. I had stolen her innocence. To think, my last memory of her would be of her bloody, grey suit and her dull, spiteful eyes. The thought of it made me cringe. She hated me. And I couldn't blame her, either. I finally understood. The way to her heart wasn't by stabbing the hearts of everyone around her. But by letting her go free. Gomez had been right all along. I should've just let her go when I had the chance. Now look. I'm handcuffed and on my way to a life of prison. Or the death sentence, if I'm lucky. The electric chair would be the thrill of my life.

The car stopped in the police station parking lot. The two cops got out and shoved me into their precinct. The other detectives who worked there all stared at me in awe as I walked through their office, humiliated. For I was the illusive murderer that they had been trying so hard to catch. The one that no one had ever suspected before. The one who had tears in his eyes.

I was brought into an interrogation room where they then cuffed my hands to a metal table. I looked up and around the room. There was a mirror no more than 10 feet away from me, that no doubt was in fact a one way mirror. I wandered who was going to be on the other side of it. What sort of questions they were going to ask me. What I should say.

The door suddenly opened again and a tall, blonde woman walked in holding a folder. "So..." she began. "You're Luther White."

I nodded. "Yes."

"Now, Luther, you're in trouble for a lot of stuff here."

I nodded again. "I did it. I did all of it."

She seemed taken aback. "I didn't expect to get a confession out of you so easily," she admitted. "Do you know what you're charged with?"

"The rape and abduction of Ava Lane."

"And stalking and attempted murder," she added. "All of which are serious crimes."

"That's not all," I said. She raised her brows. "I would like to admit to the murders of Samantha Mason, Sienna Ford, Charlie Beckett-"

She put a hand up. "Hold on a second. You actually did kill people?"

I nodded my head. "Of course. I even killed my parents."

Her eyes widened as she put a hand on her chest. "Oh my god..." she whispered. She sort of turned her head and looked in the mirror at the people who were on the other side of it. " many people have you murdered?"

I remained silent for a moment before closing my eyes and swallowing. "Thirty-eight people. I have personally murdered thirty-eight people without an accomplice."

"Thirty-eight?" she repeated. I simply gave a nod. "And you did have an accomplice. Antonio Gomez." She slapped the folder down on the table to reveal Gomez's picture from his ID. I gulped.

"He wasn't an accomplice. He was the one who had kidnapped Ava, but I was the one who murdered all of those people. He didn't stop me, but he didn't assist me either."

"Okay..." the woman said. "We are going to be taking you to a special room, okay?"

"Uh, sure," I replied.

A few large police officers came into the room, uncuffed me from the table and brought me back out of the interrogation room. They brought me to another room down beneath the building where they secured me into a chair and attached a few things to my wrists. A man wearing a white lab coat came in and asked me some very bizarre questions, like, "Would you rather know a lot about a little, or a little about a lot?" Or "What would you do if the sun died out?" And "How do you feel about blood sports?"

After that was over, they started asking me a lot of social questions. Most of them were too normal for me to remember, but one that particularly stood out to me was, "There's one piece of cake left. Who gets it?"

"Ava," I answered. "Ava gets it."

The man looked up from his paper work. "Ava gets it?" he repeated. I nodded. "Why does Ava get it?"

"Because I love her. And if she wants something, I want her to have it."

"Luther, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Ava doesn't love you back." I looked up at him.

"What did you just say to me?"

"She doesn't love you back. She's the one who called the police on you."

I suddenly started breathing very heavily through my nose and shook violently in my chair. "You're wrong!" I screamed. "You're all wrong! You don't know how she feels about me! Let me go!"

The blonde woman hurriedly spoke to the two police officers that were in the room. "We've heard enough. Put him in solitary confinement."

"No!" I shouted. The men came over to me and untied me from the chair and cuffed my hands behind my back once again. "Get your hands off of me!" I hissed.

The man in the lab coat stared at me as I was dragged out of the room. I locked eyes with him and spat on the floor just as the door closed. He looked utterly horrified, just the way I wanted him to.

More large men came into the room where I was going to be kept as they pushed me inside. As they finally shoved me inside the door, I was greeted by hands grabbing me and forcing me into a straight jacket. I screamed and struggled as they tried shoving me into it, but to no avail. Soon, I was trapped inside of it. Feeling claustrophobic, I finally just broke down and stopped my struggling.

"Your court date is on Friday," the woman said to me over an over-com. "A lawyer will be appointed to you. Anything that you say can and will be used against you-"

"I know," I rasped. "But I think that I've already said more that I need to."

After the men left, I was left in the padded room, alone with my depressed thoughts. I just wanted to see Ava. That was all that I ever had wanted. And now, the only time I would ever see her again would be in the court room, her angry glare casting right at me, the object of her hate.


Only 3 more chapters away from being done!!!! Omg thank you so much for the support guys this has been one of the greatest, most bizarre journeys for me. And it will be the first book I have ever finished in less than a year lol. Thank you so much for all of your support. After the book ends, please stay tuned for Sequel information and anything else that I might have in store for you guys. Thanks again! Please vote and comment!

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