Chapter 13 - Luther

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Monday morning came and hit me like a train. The sunlight leaked in from a small crack in my curtains, waking me instantly.

Growling, I snapped out of bed and slipped a black turtle neck over my head. Today was going to be...interesting.

Skipping breakfast, I began walking towards the school. It was three miles away, so it was quite a trek. I walked swiftly.

Someone pulled up next to me and rolled down the window. I let out a groan.

"Hey, Lex!" Gomez called.

"I told you NEVER to call me-"

"Shut up and get in the car, kid."

I furrowed my brows. "Why?"

"Just do it."

I looked around, but obeyed. He started to drive off again.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I know what you're up to," he replied. "I know Ava."

I rolled my eyes. "So? She's mine, I already told you that."

He put up a hand defensively. "Oh, I know, man. But I don't think you realize how badly you're torturing her. I mean, if you were to kill her, I wouldn't care as much. But you're not planning to. She's going to be left with psychological scars, and may even become more messed up than you are."

I rolled my eyes. "Um...okay?"

"Look, hermano, you gotta stop. She has a life to live. And if you're not going to take it from her, then don't screw it up."

He pulled the car up to the school.

"I'll do whatever the hell I want," I rasped under my breath as I got out and slammed the car door. He zoomed off as I walked into the school doors.

People around me cleared a path as I walked down the hall. It was quite satisfying.

Class went by lethargically. Nonsense found it's way to my ears for three class periods. Lunch hour came, and, as usual, I was empty handed.

I sat by myself at the corner of one of the hallways, pulled out my sketch book, and started drawing her. Ava.

She was beautiful, and yet, I didn't even care about that. I just wanted to keep her with me. She was mine. My toy. My pet.

I heard footsteps. Ava and a group of girls were beginning to walk down the hall. I stared at her. She caught my glance and stared back. All of her friends shied away from me, but Ava lagged behind. The girls noticed this and tried to pull her along.

"Ava, please," one whispered. "He makes me uncomfortable."

She ignored them. "Go on," she said. They stated at her like she was insane. "I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Are you crazy?" Another whispered.

She turned her head towards her. "He won't hurt me."

The girls exchanged a glance, then look back at me. I slowly moved my tongue around the outside of my mouth as if they were a delicious meal. They became frightened and left Ava there, standing before me.


I slowly looked up at her. She walked toward me and sat in front of me.


Her grey eyes stared into mine.

"What are you drawing?" she asked. I began to put the notebook away.


She grabbed it out of my hands. I allowed her to without protest. She examined my picture.

"What..." she breathed.

The picture was of her posing as the Greek goddess, Persephone, hiding, alone in the dark. I was Hades and her only source of comfort in the underworld.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Hades and Persephone," I replied. "Haven't you heard that story?"

She nodded. "Of course I have."

She handed the notebook back to me. "But in the story, Hades kidnaps her, and keeps her there..."

I lifted a brow slowly. A look of fear glossed over her eyes. "What are you plotting?"

I let out a light chuckle. "You'll find out soon enough."

Her eyebrows turned up. I grabbed her neck and pulled her to me for a forceful kiss. She struggled, but I did not release her. After I had had a taste of her strawberry flavored lips, I let go of her neck. She stood up quickly and wiped her mouth, my saliva running down it. I waved my hand apathetically.


She swiftly walked off, still wiping her mouth.

I couldn't contain myself anymore. I needed to act quickly. I needed to abduct Ava.


Please follow LegendTristinePrior and enroll for her story "Who is the Muderer?"

I've read the first chapter and it's pretty good so far, so if you do it, comment when you're done and I will give you a shoutout.

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