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I caught a cab to Olivia's that night, ready for some downtime with my new friends. I was excited to get to know them better and for them to get to know me better. Maybe they could figure me out better than I could. Unwinding in LA had been good for me and I was sure it was only going to get better. I couldn't wait to see where I'd be in a month or so.

After the disaster that was meeting Carlos, Michael had dropped me off at a set of shops I'd chosen and I'd picked up something new to wear for a total of $15 at a thrift store. Thrift shopping had become my thing in the past few days. I was running low on outfits that didn't make me look homeless. So, I'd thrown on my new faded grey-olive baggy jumper over some black tights and boots. My hair was out and took on the form of natural pink waves.

I felt cute. Felt fresh now that I was wearing something new.

"Mali, you're here!" Olivia chimed as she answered the door. "Now the party can officially begin!"

I could hear the laughter and shouts of the 5SOS boys before I could even see them. The whole group was here as well as Melissa. She smiled and hugged me as Olivia led me into the kitchen where everyone was hanging out.

Olivia's apartment was modern and white with polished wooden floors. It was pretty and clean and it didn't suit the tattooed, crazy haired girl I knew. But I loved it.

"Hey!" Luke burst out as I walked in.

I grinned and awkwardly waved hello to the bunch.

One was missing. Michael.

"I hope you like scary movies, Mals," Olivia giggled to me, popping the cork to a bottle of wine.

Calum and Luke sat on stools at the kitchen counter while Ashton stood near Olivia, probably ready to kiss her face off at any given moment.

I stood off to the side a little. I felt kind of shy even though I had absolutely no reason to be. These people had treated me like I belonged from the moment I met them and knew that there was no reason not to feel completely comfortable.

Still, I wasn't quite sure if I was intruding or not.

Arms snaked around my waist from behind and I was lifted just off the ground in an instant.

A gasp left my lips and my hands instinctively grasped the wrists of the person picking me up.

"Why're you standing so far away from everyone?" Michael asked, carrying me forward a few steps until I was at the counter beside Olivia. She was preoccupied pouring wine into glasses while the rest of them joked about something I hadn't heard.

I grinned, turning my head to see his face about two inches from mine. "I was obviously on-looking from a point of advantage."

This made him laugh. "Point of advantage? And that would be?"

"If something illegal happens or a fire breaks out, I'm closest to the door," I replied with a shrug as if this was a totally normal response.

"You're a fucking weirdo," he told me.

It was then that I noticed he was still holding me and my hands were still on his arms. With a gentle tug, I managed to pry him off me. He let go immediately, tugging gently on the back of my hair as he walked around me and the kitchen counter to join Luke and Calum on a stool.

I could now study him from a distance. I liked his face; it was symmetrical and his eyes were green, which contrasted well with the paleness of his skin. I liked his eyebrow piercing and his ear piercings. And his hair; my god, his hair was crazy and a mess and completely great. He was pleasing to the eye, there was no denying. I could see why Melissa would like him. Even his style was great. Tonight, he wore a black Def Leppard muscle tank, a leather jacket and ripped black skinny jeans.

all mine | ft. michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now