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What Olivia had done was brave. Brave and necessary. Still, my heart broke for them both. Ashton and Liv had been obsessed with each other from the very beginning and I'd always thought, always known, that they'd get married someday. Never in my life would I have thought that I'd see them split before my eyes like all of it had been for nothing.

She had sprinted back down the pier and disappeared into the night, leaving a shattered Ashton to stand and stare after her. I wanted to comfort him, to tell him that she'd come round and this wasn't as serious as he thought. But I knew that was a lie. I knew that things were leading up to this and the fact that he'd rejected her idea to get away that weekend had just been the last straw. Some relationships just couldn't work under certain circumstances. Ash and Liv's lives were too different and though they tried, nothing was going to change the fact that they weren't often in the same place at the same time for long.

This was why I'd stayed clear of boyfriends for so long. Relationships were a lot of work. The last time I'd gotten with a guy had been over a year ago and even then, it had only lasted for about a week. I'd never been into someone enough to really put much effort in and if I'm honest, I only had eyes for one person anyway. And that person wasn't into me at all and I knew it. Still, part of me hoped that one day he'd see me the same way that I saw him.

"Ash," Calum said gently, starting slowly towards him.

But Ashton just held up a hand and turned, walking back down the pier the same way Olivia had gone.

I hated how hurt he looked and knew that Olivia had taken off because she couldn't stand to see him that way either. She was probably just as devastated.

"Shit," Veronica murmured.

I nodded, slowly. This was the first time I'd ever agreed with something the blonde bimbo had said. "Shit."

I looked over to Mali and Michael and Luke and my eyes took in the fact that they were all holding hands, Mali in the center.

I'd grown to really like Mali. She was cute as hell and easy to be around. It just sucked that Michael was already hooked on her and she'd only been here for a few weeks. I'd been here since forever and he'd never held my hand. I knew it wasn't her fault and that I shouldn't be such a jealous bitch. I just wished things would work in my favour for once.

"That was awful," Luke said, the first one to break the silence.

We all huddled together, I think all of us in shock. I'd spoken to Michael a couple days ago about Ash and Liv and we both kind of had a hunch that things were crumbling but I'd never expected it to be so fast.

"Do we just let them go?" Veronica asked, her voice whiney and annoying. Or maybe I just hated her.

I respected Calum and that was the only reason I tolerated her. She'd walked right into the center of our friendship group from day one like she was born there. I wouldn't have minded her confidence and intrusion if she'd been like Mali. Mali was too sweet for her own good and I'm sure everyone would have loved if Calum had chosen to date her instead. But no, we were stuck with Veronica until Cal decided he was bored and moved along.

"Obviously they wanna be alone," Luke replied.

Mali pulled her hands out of Luke and Michael's and folded her arms across her chest. She looked upset. "This is all my fault."

I tilted my head to the side, confused. "What are you talking about?"

Her brown eyes darted to me and I thought she might start crying. "I told Olivia to take Ashton away for the weekend. It was my idea."

all mine | ft. michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now