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note; i've attached the dress i've imagined her wearing x


I wore a dress. Not because I was ready for a cute dinner out with friends but because I'd run out of clean clothes and I needed to buy more detergent to do a washing load. There wasn't enough detergent in the world, though, to wash the thought of Carlos' perverted gaze from the innermost corners of my mind. His name was enough to make me wanna gag. Still, having a new ID was just within my reach now and I was going to give this new life all I had. Doubts aside.

Besides, with Melissa, Calum and Michael there nothing could go too wrong. I would at least be safe. I had absolutely no idea how Carlos was going to react to this 'boyfriend' of mine or the accompanying couple, Mel and Michael.

He'd have to deal with it, regardless of what he thought.

Loud knocking sounded on my door and I jumped, applying the final touches of mascara to my eyelashes. Thank god I hadn't smudged it in my fright.

"Come on, gorgeous! We're gonna be late!"

Michael. I assumed Melissa and Calum sent him in to get me because he probably told them he'd been here before and knew where he was going.

"Coming!" I shouted, finding my shoes – a pair of plain black heeled pumps that I'd bought for $2 at another thrift store. The black dress I wore fell just above my knees and I already knew that I'd be freezing. But I hadn't bought any appropriate looking stockings, so I was left to go bare-legged.

The dress I wore was black and had long lace sleeves that reached below my elbows. It was one of my favourite dresses that I'd brought with me from Australia.

"Hurry up!" More banging on the door.

I laughed and grabbed my keys before swinging the wooden slab open and coming face to face with Michael.

He looked nice, black jeans and a long sleeved white t-shirt.

"You scrub up nicely, Michael," I commented, giving him the once over.

I turned and pulled my door closed before locking it and turned back around.

"And you scrub up alright, I guess," he replied, shrugging.

I stared at him. He burst out laughing.

"You look stunning, idiot," he laughed, turning and taking the stairs.

I followed behind him, rolling my eyes. "You're charming. I'm glad Calum's my boyfriend."

He laughed harder. "I mean sure, if you're into boring and un-Michael."

"Excuse me, Calum's not boring," I gasped, smiling as we walked. "And the fact that he's un-Michael makes him all the more appealing."

He turned around, walking backwards. "I'm cut, Mali. I really am."

I stuck out my tongue, childishly. "Grab a band-aid, baby."

"You called me 'baby', you want me," he said with a smirk, turning back around as we reached the Pepper Street road and the waiting black SUV.

I rolled my eyes and didn't bother answering. Instead, I climbed into the front passenger seat beside a handsome Calum who was designated driver.

"Hey, girlfriend," he said with a grin.

I returned the smile. "Hey, boyfriend."

He'd opted for a navy blue sweater and dark jeans. Super cute with his tanned skin tone and perfectly groomed hair.

all mine | ft. michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now