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    The white plain had surrounded me, and below my feet is the crystal blue river of melted ice from the mountain. I can feel my feet sore with hotness even if i was in the coldest part in the Earth. The virus is spreading, i can feel it now. i took off my shirt, and like i said, i couldn't feel any cold, my body was only in normal temperature at any season. But now i feel the heat from my feet creeping above my my knees now. This is what Doc said, 'the last stage'.

i need to do this quickly. I thought to myself.

I took my pants off and even my boxers. my naked body was the only beige in pure white of this landscape. the Heat had already traveled my a$$. shit! i grabbed the gun beside my feet, and knelt down. i adjusted my angle to ninety degrees, so now the river is to my left, and the gun i on my right hand. so that when i pull the trigger, the force of the bullet from the gun would push me to the left and make me fall to the river. perfect plan. but a plan which im not sure if it will work, im not smartest guy here in the world, i admit that.

Well atleast i tried before i burn and be a monster.

the heat had already crept to my lungs, like i had just swallowed a whole bottle of whiskey. 'Shit Shit Shit shit shit!!!' i whispered out loud. i should have drunk before i went here. but i know if i had drank, i wouldn't be here at all. I would just whine and Miss Grumpy would need to drag me here, and she would do the dirty deed.

I pointed the the Jericho 941 to my head, i could feel the frozen gun into my temple. i remembered buying this from a friend of mine.

"Daria, how much is that handgun?" i pointed at the gun with a brown handle in the glass cabinet.

"Oh that is Jericho 941, its one of the few common guns, but it has a history" she crouched and grabbed the gun from the from the glass cabinet.

"what's its story?" i asked as she handed the gun to me. it was black all over except for the handle which has a brown wood carving.

"Grappy said, it was a gun of a hired killer in London, he was under so many aliases 'Leon', 'panther black', 'klaus' and so many more but the last name that he used was 'Nightfall'. he was hired by a lot of people, rich and powerful people, who doesn't want their hands to get dirty, woman who wants their cheating husband or the mistress killed, or some guy on the street who has a petty grudge on some guy. And he was the more than pleased to do it, at any price. he was a psychopath, and a demented man, but a smart and genius one. He plans every kill, and sometimes if he has a hard time finding the target, or having difficulty finding the right time to kill a man or a woman, he would plan to torture once he gets the chance by then. He usually used snipers or some Uzi, or small handgun, but this Jericho 941 was his first gun that he ever used. And did you know who is his first kill?" Daria said leaning on the glass.

"Who?" i asked out of respect to her story.

"Her sister."

"her sister?" i asked.

"Yeah! and her sister was just 2 month old" she mused

"what?! a baby? but why" i asked as i was shocked.

"Dont know? but after he killed the baby, he held her and waited for her mom to come home. Then when her mom came, and saw the baby and the house full of blood. He stabbed her with a knife on the back and dragged her body to the bath tub. the body stayed there for for at least 6 months decayed and full of maggots before their neighbours noticed the stench and the dead body." she said with her nose wrinkled.

"How about the guy, where did he went?" i asked

" the guy was still a boy at that time..." she said in a matter of fact.

"what?!" i half shouted

" ...yeah, he was 7 year old, and he was at the apartment the whole time. His neighbours thought that everything was fine because the boy went to school every morning and comes home in the afternoon." she shrugged his shoulders.

"And then?" asking for more story of the demented boy.

"Policed asked him if what happened, but he didn't tell them a thing. The authority thought that someone killed his mother and sister and the boy just lost its mind. He was sent to a foster home, but after 2 years he ran away, after he killed one of the teacher there, and caretaker, and also a couple of kids. He became known and notorious in the city after he killed the mayor, he was only 15 then. He was arrested then actually but as my GrandPa said it was just part of the plan because later on, he killed the head Police chief on the city, by nailing him on a cross, naked and his cock castrated and put on the chief's mouth." she said as she rested her head on her hand.

I huffed and sighed slightly. I studied the handgun on my hand again, flipping it.

Then I asked Daria "So how much is this gun?" now aiming the gun at the deer head hanged on the left wall of the store.

"twelve hundred" Daria said with her hand rested on her hips.

"Okay." i uttered, determined that this is what i should use on the day. "I'll buy it."

Which is today. I closed my eyes as i crept my index finger on the trigger. I felt my heart burn from the heat, raising my pulse in every blood vessels and arteries.

I need to this now. it is now or never.

I sighed heavily. I closed my eyes. i gripped the handle tightly and slowly i constricted my muscle on my index finger.

I pulled the trigger.


His body jerked and rolled over to the side dipping the upper half his body in the cold river of melted ice. Crimson red splattered the perfect white canvass of the cold place called Greenland. His body was pulled and pushed by the rushing current, and the blood that came from his head has spread like smoke on the blue water.

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