Chapter 6: Awake

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sorry for the long wait, i got a writer's block, and i dont know where to, or how to continue it. the first half of this chapter was already made, but i cant seem to finish it. Hope you forgive me guys....

and if you have suggestions or reactions on this or even questions, just kindly comment on it down there. hah

oh also up there is the picture of Garret. btw he is Gay in the story. . . so you better watch out.


We arrived at the station at Kulusuk, half an hour as soon as Garret contacted the ranger in Kulusuk who we've met before. He said he has the guy, who was wearing gray shirt earlier, and a man who was with us when we came.

Probably one of the few of our men that 'survived'.

As we arrived and landed near the small station, the man who had welcomed us awhile ago was already waiting. And oddly smiling. I already opened the door and hop off the helicopter, while it was inches above ground yet.

"Where is he?" i shouted under the running blade of the chopper to the smiling man.

He ducked his head as he approached me. "They're inside, ma'am"

I run towards the entrance of the small shack immediately. I saw first the man in a yellow coat, one of our men. Then I saw on the side, Ben peacefully sleeping. Then I saw his hands on his side, dripping with blood. I looked closely, it wasnt even his. I feared the truth. But I believed it. Like what Dr. Allen had just said before. I heard 2 men stumble behind me.

I knelt beside Ben, He just an innocent guy, dumb and naive, but wise enough, he doesnt deserve this.

I saw on my periphery of vision, that Garret was examining the other guy, who was, I believed, passed out because of blood loss. there were blood also from his arms and head. he seem to be shaking from the cold.

"Garret, get Larry, and get Ben and the guy on the helicopter, we're goin' to New Brunswick."

Garret, quickly stood and went outside.

Garret, Larry and the smiling man named Ditlev, helped the two sleeping men, inside the helicopter.

I thank Ditlev and all his initiative and the warm welcome. And informed him to keep it as a secret.

I advice him to fly away from this place. I had Garret wrote me a check for some hundred thousand dollars, so that he could start a new, on some other land. He kindly replied to obey on my instructions.

We left, the white field, still with fear, of what was coming.

I know there still looking for us.

45 minutes later, we landed in in the capital of Greenland, Nuuk. There we transfer transportation and went to a jet. Flying to New Brunswick in Greater Moncton International airport. Larry our pilot, no scratch that, our ONLY pilot, was preparing our departure, and talking to some people, to run and check the engine of the small plane. Garret, walking in circles, doing his own thing, and me, for the first time, out of my mind and focus, just looking at poor Ben. He was, for what I believe, oblivious of his actions. Probably like those vermin, that Dr Allen was experimenting.

I grabbed some cloth and wet it with a bottled water, and wiped the blood around his arms and face that had already dried up. they were not red anymore, but some black sticky grease marking on his hand. As covered is both arms, i observed that there were no lacerations or scars on his body.

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