chapter 10: Clear sky

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Carla's POV

Ben stood there, with his arms on the side as the truck came closer. He bent his knees slowly. No more than 20 feet, the truck came, Ben jumped in the air. Swiftly and ungracefully he landed on the hood of the truck, making am enormous dent, probably shattered the engine. The driver was sent flying out of the car through the crushed windshield after Ben landed.

Everything that Dr. Woodroe told me is true. I thought somehow as chaos unravels in my eyes.

Two men came out from the both sides of back door of the truck with their guns ready, when Jake came running out from the tree where he was hiding. He propelled himself and like a wrestler, he knocked down the guy from the left side of the vehicle. He took the heavy armalite, and  hit The face of the man with the back side of the heavy gun.

Ben, saw the man in the passenger seat and pulled him out, threw him to the side. It was a good 15 feet from the car where the man landed. He was probably still in shock from the crash brought by Ben.

The other guy who came out from the back, rained him bullets, but Ben was quick and jumped at him, he punched him, and sent a tooth flying. The mans face was bleeding and blood was being spit out. Ben took the gun, and aimed at him. His hands was shaking, but his was fixed like a freaking maniacal monster. He then hit him with the gun, the man was knocked off instantly.

Ben made a signal, and larry , Garrett and I, ran towards the vehicle. Jake went to the driver seat and offered to drive. Fortunately the pickup truck managed to run. Ben was in the passenger seat, and me and the others were at back. Jake sped along the deserted pavement as we escaped the terrifying nightmare.

Garrett's POV

The ford f250, was almost unrecognizable to what Ben did to it. Shattered windshield. Dented hood. And bullet holes to top it off.

"We need to find another vehicle, this one is too recognizable" Jake said, his eyes still focused on the road.

"Hmm" I heard Ben, mumbled on the side.

Silence covered the whole trip. Deafening. But much better than bullets and crashed plane.

My head is still processing what was happening, or whatever happened to us. There was Ben. The crashed plane. My almost drowning accident. And just awhile ago, Ben's menacing actions as he knocked down two people and almost destroyed a car, by jumping on it. And might I mention, him kissing my forehead, before the plane sank in that lake. Ughhhh.

What is really happening to him? Why? How?....

As much as I want to know the answers, I rather have it not. I'm afraid, I guess. But I have to settle to the silence for now.

After a couple of hours, we stopped at a house near a river, it wrecked and dirty. Jake thinks that they, are still looking for us. And this house is a better hideout. Miss H was think of drowning the vehicle in the river, so we won't be tracked by them. But Jake insisted on driving it up far away and leave it somewhere else. The hitch a ride back here. or walk maybe. We all agreed on what jake suggested

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