Chapter 9: Mouse Trap

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Hey Two chapters in a row... Would you look at that. Anywhooooo... Well just check this chap out and give me some insights and reactions by commenting.



As soon as we saw the men from the other side of the lake, we hurriedly stand and walk ourselves into the forest.


i heard some shots fired as we duck our heads. Jake and Ben helped the nauseous Garrett who's still spitting some water.

We're drenched... Freezing from head to toes and being followed by people who wants to kill us and get Benjamin.

We need to get to the highway.

"Larry is there a highway near here?" I asked as we try oursleves to run while freezing in this forest.

"Yeah, just a few yards away from the lake, there is a bridge, i saw it while we were still up in the air" he said while catching for air.

"We need to hurry! Or they might even catch us from that bridge." I commanded.


Victor's POV

"Sir they are heading to the bridge." One of my men told me from the back.

"Get some men and follow the road that'll head to that bridge. We'll need to trap them..." I looked for the other men that we have. "...ready the boat and the others shall go around the lakeshore." I instructed them.

You son of a bitch! He thought.

It was supposed to be a good ambush back at Kulusuk, but his dumb men were to slow to kill the the bastards that was on their way. He needed that man. Who ever or whatever he is. He has never had a failed mission in his life. The Kiev Initiative was a success, back then. Killing a MI6 agent who spied at Russia was an easy peasy for him. But this american guy was by far underestimated by his superior. But he couldn't care less now. Now that he is in position to take control. He never liked taking orders and now he is in full combat mode. To get this Sonofabitch!


Jake's POV

Normally im used to warm and scorching weather and climate, like maybe Iraq, Lebanon or someother middle east country. But this is different. My body has gotten numb and i think any moment from now one of us is going to freeze from this cold weather. And did i add that was soaked from the lake. Ugh.

My arms wrapped around Garrett while his left arms is rested on my shoulder. We were almost dragging him, his legs probably got frozen from the cold and no to mention the trauma that he had from drowning awhile ago. If it werent for Mr Haigh he woudnt be alive. And from what i know this elusive man is our boss. It was the first time that i have met him, which was this morning. I never did until i was summuned to be part of a security personnel heading to Kulusuk. Honestly i though it was overkill kind of security. We were 60 men, just heading to Greenland to secure the Safety of this man, but i was wrong.

It was like a slaughter house out there when those black tank like trucks came in and started shooting us and Only a few of us had guns. And Mr Haigh suddenly came out of nowhere from the river, jumping, then he became like a raging bull from Spain. Hitting everyone that comes on his way. I admit that i still feared this man, but somehow, i felt i own him my life.

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