Chapter 3: Stream of blood

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I really like writing different POV's

it give more detail to each person and gives you different view on the story.


Ditlev Bjorck, Danish native in Greenland, was on his snowbike. He has thick red beard, and brown hair, because he was half Irish half danish. And he was one of the few people here that doesn't look like a Greenlander, because he was a Caucasian. He grew up in Greenland after his parents moved here. He worked now as a snow patrol in Kulusuk, and manning the vast northern part it. 4 hours ago a chopper came and some snow trucks. He was excited but was also intrigued by the amount of people. It has been 3 weeks since he had seen new faces in his station, and he normally have tourist on the summer or fall. But it was the Winter season, and people who wants to have a tour, would always go the western greenland and not here in Kulusuk.

Ditlev met the people who rode the chopper and met the most beautiful woman with red hair, named Carla Hovenmayer, and her assistant Gary or Garret, he wasn't sure, because he was so enthralled by the red hair beauty. He also noticed a guy, medium built, and has brown hair, and he was quite weirded out, because the guy didn't have any coat or jacket, he was just wearing a thin gray shirt and jeans. Even for Ditlev being in the coldest and windiest place on earth since he was 4 years old, was still not accustomed to the cold weather and even the Eskimos here, and he still wears 3 to 5 layers of outfit just to cover himself from the shivering cold of Greenland. Well he could careless, as long as he was talking to this beautiful woman.

Carla, said to him that they were gonna go to a place and take a look, she had said that her boss, was the guy wearing the gray shirt, had always wanted to go to Greenland. And the guy wants to check if they could have some skiing there or dog sledding. Ditlev, didn't hesitate, and told them about a place on the north of Kulusuk, where they could have picnic and ski. It was at the bottom of the mountain, and there would be a melted ice river coming from the mountain. He offered to tour them around, but Carla, declined it and said that it was okay, and they could just use the chopper to look for some place, and they wanted it privately also. He didn't asked why, because the moment he realized it was illegal to do it without visiting papers from the town, he was already handed a big amount of money and it was cash by the slim curly haired guy, named Gary/Garret. So he let them go, and the other people who were on snow truck, drove not too far from the station. He thought they were just bodyguard.

2 hours later, while lounging on his small desk, and counting again and again the money that he had received, he saw from the window, that the guards were shuffling and hurrying to get in the trucks. He fixed his money and put it on an envelope and then put it inside a wooden box. Then he kept it under his bed came with his snow boots.

He tried to ask the one of the men, who was shivering from the cold. He said it was an emergency, and someone got in an accident. As soon as Ditlev heard that, he got scared, cause he was the one who allowed them to enter the northern part, and if anything was to happen there, or someone went there without any permission from the town, he would need to answer for it and he might be jailed. He was scared, because he doesn't want to be like his old man, who got jailed, because he let some robbers inside a bank where his father was working. His father later died, from a knife fight, in prison.

He went back to his station, he had told one of the guard before he returned, to call him if everything was fine, and to look for him before they go back to town.

After 30 minutes, he then heard some trucks, he thought it was the one who went to the northern part. but it was coming from the south, he went out of the door and saw 3 black trucks. A guy hopped off of from one of the trucks and ran towards him, bringing a rifle and with full combat outfit.

His hair was disheveled because of the wind, and he had a thick eyebrow. As He approached he said to Ditlev "Have you seen some men, going to the north, one with the chopper and 3 yellow snowmobiles or trucks?" the guy had a thick British accent, it was deep tone and quite scary. "Yes." he hesitated before answering, he just hoped that Carla would be alright. But before he could ask why, the man had already went back to the truck, and they continue their part to the north.

He thought they would be the one to help Carla, and her crew. Well he hoped to.

After a couple of minutes, he had heard, a helicopter coming, he was excited for he knew it would be the red hair beauty. But the chopper just passed by his station. He went back to his bed, and imagined the smooth pale body of Carla, remembering, her face and the red curls. he imagined coiling his finger along those vibrant curls of her. His groin stiffened, and he felt his cock erect. he slipped down his hand to his pants, and rubbed himself, he stiff shaft felt his warm hands, like it was Carla's bosom, he slipped his other hand down, and grabbed his balls. He knew he would not get his hands on Carla, but this one is the closest he could get. He stroked his shaft, until he felt like his groin hardened, then he cummed, white liquid shoot above and fell down his legs, and his stomach. He was still in ecstasy of orgasm.


Until he heard it, he thought it was just part of his orgasm, until he heard a couple more.


He opened his, eyes, woke up from his fantasy. BOOM! shit! he thought, it was louder than the others, he thought of an explosion from what it sounds like. He immediately stood up, and grabbed one of his old shirt from the chair and wiped himself, but the wet blot in his pant was still visible, but he could ignored it nonetheless. There was something more important, than his cum blotting his pants now.

20 minutes after he decided to go there, and ride his snowmobile. The loud sound, of what seems like, cannon and guns, had already subsided, but he still heard a couple more gunshots. he wasn't afraid of it, he knew how to shoot, and he was a sharpshooter even with his small rifle, that the town had provided for him.

He followed the track of the black truck that had came before, he prayed, that Carla, wasn't there. And if she was, Ditlev will do everything to save her and protect her. The lust and affection that she has had grew over 3 hours upon meeting the beautiful Carla Hovenmayer.

He traveled with his black snowmobile making some cracking noise, due to age. He was almost of the top of the hill, and came to a stop and hopped off of it, then he walked towards the tip of the hill, cautioning himself and when he came to the top of it, he saw the pure chaos, blood streaming all over the icy field. Some of the trucks; yellow and black were already upside down, one of the yellow truck, had been blown, dead bodies everywhere, scattered across the white plains. It was now a field covered with red and black across the white plains. But he could still see some men standing, survivors he thought, holding rifles or guns. He counted the survivor, it looked like there was still 9 of them, and they're surrounding one of the black truck, that was already flipped to its side. They were talking to each other, or murmuring, Ditlev was too far away to hear, what they were saying. But from the look from their faces, they were terrified, their faces, were covered with bruises, and blood. Ditlev thought about a monster, but what kind of monster would it be, that could kill and massacre people and flip those trucks.

He crouched down, so that we wouldn't be seen, then crawled forward. He surveyed the surrounding, the melted iced river, was about 20 meter from where the flipped trucked and the men are. He tried to look left and right, looking for a sign of Miss Carla, but she sees no red hair dead or alive. He thank the god for it.

He palmed his rifle on his back, and readied himself, he squinted his eyes and focused on each men. Then he focused his aim at the door of the truck. He felt his hair was blowing to this left, he now tilted his rifle a bit to the right, then a little bit upwards. He knows that the bullet would curve and if his calculation was right, he could aim probably in the body of the monster or man or whoever was in there that brought fear to the to the remaining men.

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