Chapter 52

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Guys this is it. This is the final chapter of this story, My Twitter best friend. I enjoyed writing this and I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. I would like to dedicate it to my friends Noo and Sheyenne for being in it, and the help of a good friend; belieber_707 so thank you! Enjoy the last chapter!


Leaving Lily in the middle of our fight wasn't right. I really shouldn't have left her like that. Lately, all we've done is fight. I was back from Magcon and we didn't talk that much, plus I was tired the whole time and the different time zones made it worse. The evening before I left for Magcon, we had another fight. It was about such a little thing, it was stupid! I wanted to make it up to her so I bought a rose and went over to her place.

As I walked up to her door, I felt nervous. Probably because I haven't seen her in a long time and we didn't end on good terms. I was tired of fighting all the time but those days when we make up again are the best. We had a weird relationship but it worked for us, and that's all that matters. I was still standing on the porch and looked up to the sky, dark clouds were coming closer and you could smell that it was going to rain soon.

I wanted to ring the bell but the door already opened.

"Hey dude how are you?" Thomas asked.

"Good yeah what about you?"

"Me too, come on in, I guess you're coming for Lily"

"Surprisingly I am" I said and we both shortly laughed.

"Tom who's there?" I heard Lily say. She walked in the hallway and when she saw me, her face changed.

"Jack..." she said softly.

"I'll leave you two to it" Thomas said and walked away.

"I bought you these" I said as I gave the rose to Lily. She accepted it and sniffed it.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Excuse me? Was I interrupting you with some other guy or something? Anger grew inside of me again and it felt like another fight was about to arise. I stayed calm but I wasn't sure that I could hold this mask for long.

"I came to apologize for the way we ended things when I left. I shouldn't have argued about such a small thing and I don't even remember what it was. I'm sorry okay"

"Okay" she simply said. What happened to her? Why would she reply with only one word? She never does that, no matter how mad she is.

"Lily, what's wrong? You're hiding something from me but I really don't know what, I apologized alright."

"Yeah it's just that I need to tell you something"


How could she do that to me? I have always supported her with everything but this was just too crazy. Going to Africa? Is she insane? Of course she shouldn't go there! Did she even think about us? We wanted to spend the rest of our teenage lives together, or at least that we could visit often but Africa really crossed the line. She should have discussed this with me before doing it. I discussed everything with her, so that when I had another concert or event she could be there or we would see each other that day.

I needed time to think and I had to go somewhere where I could be alone with my thoughts. The woods.


Why couldn't he just take the news like everybody else? Why couldn't he just support my decision? I was going to do something that I love and yet he still isn't happy about it. I understand that he freaked out when he heard it would be in Africa, but I really wanted to do it and not doing it was just going to hurt me. He left again and drove away. Whenever we had a fight, he left. He couldn't face it somehow.

My twitter best friend (Jack Johnson)Where stories live. Discover now