Chapter 8

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I woke up by the sound of my buzzing alarm. Was it all one big dream? I checked my phone. Nope still the same mess I was in yesterday. I looked at the time and saw I overslept a bit. I quickly grabbed a shirt and pants and rushed my morning routine, not applying make-up or making my hair look a bit decent. Oh yeah fuck it anyways. I walked downstairs, all my books packed in my backpack, grabbed an apple and walked out. I saw the bus leaving just as I was almost at the bus stop. This isn't my lucky week I guess. I called Aaron, if he could pick me up. A few minutes later, he arrived.

"Get in loser, we're late" he yelled and honked a few times.

"First of all, you are the loser. Second hurry up because I don't want detention again because we have Science first"

"Alright alright calm yo titties, master Carpenter is in da house so we will be on time" he said and started his car, driving as fast as he could to school.

"Aaron, don't say that ever again. You come off as a mega nerd that tries to be like the cool kids"

Like the cool kids (Cool Kids - Echosmith if you didn't see the connection | back to the times when it wasn't played on the radio 24/7)

Aaron started humming along to Cool Kids by Echosmith and I screamed.

"Aaron omg! You know that song?"

"Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that Lily! And yes I do know that song! Why is it so important?"

"Because a few weeks ago, I discovered that song and was like o my god it is amazing and nobody knows it and you actually have a bit of a cool taste in music" I said excited.

"Well thanks" he said and laughed. After that he just looked at me. Awkward.

"Whatcha lookin at Aronso"

He burst out laughing

"Aronso? Seriously? That is gonne be my nickname?"

"Yes it will be now answer my question, why were you staring at me?"

"Because the way your eyes were sparkling when talking about the song it made you look more beautiful than you already are"

Holy shit I am friendzoning him so hard.. But I don't like like him ya know. I just want him to be my best friend, nothing else.

"Well thanks Aronso" I said and laughed. "You actually don't look that bad yourself"

His hand was close to me and I have no idea why, but I grabbed it. We stayed silent until we were at school which didn't take long. I felt really bad that I grabbed his hand because he would think I like him too and ugh it is so difficult.

When we got out of the car, I quickly pretended I was texting someone so I wouldn't have to hold his hand.

"Hey where is class 202?"

"I don't know. Maybe I know something if I can get a kiss" he said and pointed at his lips.

"Fine" I said and cupped his face in my hands, when our lips almost touched. I turned my head and kissed his cheek.

"Wrong place babygirl" he said while walking away, leaving me alone.

"Shit" I cursed to myself.

I suddenly felt a finger poke my side.

"Noo! Hey you feeling better?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you were ill yesterday"

"Uhm no I wasn't" she said back, confused af

"That bitch" I mumbled to myself.

"Whatcha say?" She asked with her cute British accent.

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