Chapter 6

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"So, are you or are you not dating Gajeel?" asked Evergreen, her eyes glowing with the need to know the story.

Levy had gone as red as a tomato. She bowed her head down, glaring at the water, trying to hide her embarassed face.

"Its nothing like that," she replied, shyly.

The girls were all soaking in the hot spring. The warm water washing away all their worries and allowing Evergreen to learn a bit of fresh gossip.

"Well, that's just boring. What about you, Lucy? How's it going with Natsu or is it Lisanna I should be asking this question to?" said Evergreen, raising an eyebrow.

"Its not like that," cried Lucy, while Lisanna only blushed.

"All of you are so boring. Juvia? At least you aren't going to deny your feelings."

"Juvia is planning a surprise party for her and Gray-sama's anniversary," said Juvia, absolutely radiant. She glowed like this whenever she talked about her Gray-sama.

At these words Erza suddenly looked up. She wasn't paying much attention, loosing herself completely in the flow of the water. Juvia's words had registered the pang she always felt and had drawn her out of her reverie.

"Anniversary? You two aren't even dating. Or are you?" There was a hunger rising in Evergreen's voice.

"No, we're not," replied Juvia, sadly.

"Juvia-san likes to celebrate random days. Like when she celebrated an anniversary on their 713th day," explained Wendy.

"Oh. That's..." paused Ever, thinking. "That's creative of you."

Juvia beamed at her. "Juvia wants to cherish every single day spent with Gray-sama."

"You mean you want to creep him out by showing off your stalking abilities," muttered Cana, a little too loudly.

While the other girls glared at her for being so rude, Juvia's eyes welled with tears. Erza did nothing. As long as Cana didn't reveal their secret, she was fine. At least Cana wasn't trying to blackmail her with the secret, which she had done quite a few times now. It seemed the brunette was a little drunk and wasn't thinking before speaking.

"Juvia, Cana's just drunk. She really doesn't mean it," said Lucy, trying to comfort Juvia and lighten the mood. "So, why don't you tell us what you're going to do on you anniversary. Maybe we can help."

"Juvia won't discuss her plans with Lucy. She is Juvia's rival in love and wants to ruin it," said Juvia, all traces of tears gone.

At this Lucy rolled her, feeling no more pity for the bluenette. "I. Am. Not. Your. Rival. In. Love. I'm not interested in Gray."

"Lucy's only trying to decieve Juvia into believing her," said Juvia, haughtily.

"I'm not interested in Gray, Juvia," repeated Lucy, as Juvia made a face that said 'Sure, you're not'.

Erza stood up, water running down her smooth, naked body as a sudden idea hit her. This was as good a moment as any.

"I am. I love Gray."

Erza didn't even glance at the others' faces as the feeling of overwhelming fear gripped her. What had she done? It was far too bold and she hadn't even considered Juvia's feelings. She should have prepared Juvia before the blow, not drop a bomb when Juvia was already frail from Cana's words.

But what now? She couldn't take it back and no more words came out of her no matter how hard she tried to form them. Come on, Erza, she urged herself, explain the details. But all she did was stand, all eyes on her, disbelieving. She started to panic.

Erza Scarlet turned on her heels, suddenly feeling sick and dashed towards the changing rooms.

A smirk stretched across Cana's face.


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