Chapter 3

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I am extremely sorry for not updating for so long my computer wasnt working now it is and i tried to do it on my phone but, it got deleted cuz i fogot to save it please dont hate me for this but, i promise to update early than usual Happy Readings . listen to the song .


Amy P.O.V.

I came home but, obviously no-one is home so it is mine I went to my room and checkd my laptop for my YouTube account on my last cover of 'sinners' thee was thousands of viewers and amazing comments i was extremely happy, I opened my phone to check the time it was 5pm so I have time before the race I decidedto go jogging to prepare for the next month of 'sports day' of our school against other schools, i changed in my sports outfit and went to the kitchen to fill my water bottle and took my phone , keys and got out of the house  i started to search for All time low music and started the music when I reached the pathway of the house and kept jogging until I reached the park i got tired so, i went to rest on the bench of the park and checked my phone that the time was 6:15pm I got up fast and started going from the same way I came from.

When I reached my pathway Emily's car was there "Hey, were have you been " Emily said to me when I was opening the door " I went jogging but, I was going to ask you the same" i said to her while entering the house and putting my phone in the kitchen charger " i came early so I make sure that you will wear something different than usual since it is the last day in the season " she said to me while walking upstairs wuth me "pleaase Em don't open this subject again you know that I can't some people of our school is there" i said to her while searching for my race outfit "but..." she said but i cut her of "No, buts I will go to take shower so we can go " i said to her while going to my bathroom "okay" she said while taking a set on the edge of my bed the water was warm I wanted to stay longer but i have to go.

"Ready"emily said while getting up from my bed and looking in the mirror, "Ya, comón we have to go" i said to her going to the kitchen taking my phone from the charger and keys "did you see my helmet I can't find it" i said to her when she came "Ya, let me go bring it from the car " she said while going to the front door.

"here" she gave it to me when I entered the car "thanks" i said to her while searching for All time low cd in her cd's set " but, when you will tell to the peolpe that you are Mark" she said while driving in the different streets I dind't drive in it before " when the right time comes now please don't talk about it again okay" i said to her while turning the volume of the music "okay " she said while driving.


Luke P.O.V.

"okay,okay coming " i said while running to the door probably it is Micheal cuz no-one hit my door like that expect him, "what took you so long" he said while  i was walking to the living room".

"what you just woke me up , what time is it ?" i said while taking the remote in my hand , and Micheal pulled it from me 'hey give me that"i said while goin to get it from him "it is 7:30pm we are late " he said while shutting the T.V, "WHAT!"I  yelled  at him while running back to my room , i grabbed some clean clothe from my closet and went to my bthroom locking the door behind me and started my shower, " do you know a guy called Mark ?" he said to me while i was getting ready "no, is he one of those losers " i laughed, but, micheal gave me a serious face , "Hey, mike why the serous face" i said to him while waving my hand in front of his face and he pushed it "dude, i am not joking this is 2,000 bucks and no, this guy is not a loser he never lost a race before " he said to me and i chuckled 'why are you scared i also didn't loss any race before " i said to him while grabbing my phone wallet keys and my lip ring " he never lost any at all he always win the whole season he won and today is the last day " he said to me while going downstairs and i started to feel a little bit nervious about that guy.

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