Getting settled in

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(Okay. So, all I have to say is that the mansion that the Gods have built for the demigods is pretty awesome. And that this will be a long chapter. That is all for now. I only own my OCs and the Plot line. Thanks! ~S.U.L.M.A)

Meghan's P.O.V

After all of us had packed, we had hopped into the Van with Argus. The drive was only about 27 minutes long, but I could tell it was pure torture to everyone else. Katrina, Leo, Me, and Percy were singing along to 'Uptown Funk' as well as 'Bad blood'.  Annabeth and Taylor were discussing Nerd things. Piper's head rested on Jason's lap, Jason stroking Piper's hair. Frank had turned into a kitty and was jumping onto everyone's lap to bother them, but when he got to Hazel, he had stayed in her lap for the rest of the ride. Reyna was talking about Praetor duties to Nico, who was glaring at Katrina. Ethan was playing the reed pipes. And Thalia was listening to music with her head phones plugged in and bobbing her head to the beat.

After those torturous 27 minutes, we all jumped out of the van, only to gawk at the mansion we were staying at. It was about 8 stories high, white marble pillars next to the front door made of black marble, the whole outside of the house was marble actually, there had to be at least 50 windows, and don't even get me started on the back yard.

The back yard had to be the best part. I wouldn't even consider it a back yard actually because it was absolutely huge. It was at least 8 foot ball stadiums long, and 10 wide . The yard had a movie theater, a water park, an amusement park, 3 pools, a forest near the back, a lake with fish, turtles, ducks, etc, a patio, an outdoor bar, a stable for 'horses', a Pegasus racing track, sacrificial campfire in the middle of the yard, mechanical Dinos, a pool of lava, bungee jumping, library, Mine, and so much more! I gawked at the back yard. Since it was so large, there were hanging cable cars, underground pathways, and a teleportation device to help us get to our destination quickly.

Quickly getting over the shock, we walked into the Mansion. My mouth dropped open. The inside was better than the outside (minus the back yard). We were in the reception area of some sort, with a nice cream colored couch with a blue & grey love seat, as well as a gold & purple, blue & pink, green, black & green, and purple versions of the love seat. There were multiple couches of velvet, cream, and black spread across the room. Right smack in the middle was a spiraling staircase with velvet carpeting and golden railing. By the bottom stair was a plan of the house. Reading it, I saw that the basement was for storage and had a man cave. Next was the reception, and then the Kitchen and TV area, Guys' rooms above, with an arcade above that. Next were the Girls' Rooms. Above that was a lady cave, next came a spa/relaxing area, and above that was weapon storage. On the roof were gardens and a pool.

The girls and I agreed to use the elevator to go to the Lady Cave area. When we got there, I learned that in order to get in, we had to scan our eye and say a password. The girls quickly decided that the new password would be 'Alohomora' (A/N: the spell in Harry Potter that would pick a lock and open the door. See why I picked it?) When we went inside, I was in love. The windows were made so that we could see out but you couldn't see in. Velvety purple curtains draped across the vast room. The ceiling was enchanted so we could see the sky (A/N: Harry Potter people) and the room had different changing rooms, couches, vanity desks, mirrors, etc. The walls were cream with pinkish accents and swirls in the paint. Though I thought it would look much better with blue instead of pink.

After exploring, we decided to use the staircase this time. We saw the guys look at their rooms, so we decided to look at ours. The doors were set up with our names embroidered in gold and had a little symbol based off of our godly parent embroidered underneath our name, the symbol was colored. I walked to a door that said 'Meghan Jackson' in fancy curled writing and below that was a trident surrounded by waves. I opened my door and instantly plopped onto the bed. The bed was circular with blue bed sheets with wave patterns on them. The pillows were just navy blue. There was a small pet bed with the name 'Shizervi' written in the same fancy curled writing. I smiled. There on the pet bed was a cat with the whitest fur. It had blue splotches and was one cute ball of fluff. His yellow cat eyes pierced right into me. After a moment, Shizervi (Shiz-er- vie) hopped onto my lap and purred contently. I started petting him, taking a look around my room.

The walls were painted so realistically that it looked like I was actually surrounded by waves. I liked it because I am a realistic drawer, and it expressed my emotion. A desk was pushed up to a corner of the room and was filled with artist tools. There was a small hole filled with water in the middle of the room, about the size of a tire. I knew it was for my powers. Next to the desk was a walk in closet. Looking in, I saw that Aphrodite had the decency to supply me with clothes of my liking. Blues, blacks, whites and creams filled the closet. Walking back out, there was a small personal bathroom and a pedestal for my sword. I realized that if I jumped into the hole of water, it would take me to a small meeting room with about 20 chairs. My floor was of cerulean colored carpet. By my bed was the door and a small bookshelf with a row of plushies. The rest of the bookshelf was filled with my favorite types of books. In another corner of my room was a fish tank with 2 types of my favorite fish, Tetra and Plecostomus, split so they wouldn't cross territories. I knew it was the same layout/colors of Percy's room 'cause he sent me a picture of it. I instantly went and visited Katrina's room to compare our rooms.

Katrina's P.O.V

My room was easily the biggest room out of all of them, though I didn't know why. That was, until I took a look at my room. The walls and ceiling were painted so it looked like I was in a forest, and the ceiling so it looked like sunlight shining through the leaves. My bed was queen sized, circular, and had green floral covers. Pillows matched the bed sheets. The floor was actual grass. I loved it. I had a fence, a low fence, in my room. The fence connected to the walls of my room. In the fenced in area, was a deer. She was beautiful. Sleek fur, limber legs, eyes of brown innocence. I was glad I could talk to animals.

Hello. I am Anastasia. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you Anastasia. I'm Katrina, but please call me Tri


I walked up to her and started to pet her. She told me about how her pen was rigged so that she could go to the forest at any time and that other animals could stay in her pen when she wanted. Her pen was the reason why my room was so big. Anastasia needed some walking space. She had a food and water that would refill automatically, and would go to the forest when she needed to breathe or use the bathroom.

I scanned my room and took it in. A bookshelf with plushies & books, a desk filled with art supplies and lots of other things. A small tree that grew pass the ceiling (ceiling was cut in half) for my enjoyment. I could climb up the tree and read. But looking closer, I realized that it was actually a pipe where I could jump into and land where I wanted it. You just had to say where you wanted to go. Cool.

I had a walk in closet where Aphrodite had been nice enough to give me the right selection of clothes. On my vanity desk, there were pictures surrounding the mirror and hair supplies along with make up on it. I had a personal bathroom.

Meghan walked in right after I had finished looking around. No knocking. I would've been pissed if it wasn't her, T-Wizzle, or Casey.

"Hey Katrina, what do you think of your ... WHOA!" Meghan froze and took in my room. "Why did you get such a large room? And you have a cooler method of travel."

"I have such a big room 'cause of Anastasia."

"Who's Anastasia?"

I gestured behind me. Meghan face was filled with fascination. She quickly ran past me thrust a white fluff ball into my hands. At first I thought it was a whole lotto' blue cheese, but then I realized it was a cat.

Meghan turned back to me, "she's pretty. Let's go visit the others."

Taylor's P.O.V

My room was the exact same thing as my sisters. I knew because we visited each other right after we saw our rooms. The color of Annabeth's room was stormy gray though. Mine were hazel. Our beds had a little owl pattern on them and we had a door that led to a library. Walk in closets, personal bathroom, desks, a four poster bed with a canopy, and a pet area. A small Birch tree with an owl of a brownish gray color and golden eyes. His name was Heathewarth. Just after I came back to my room, Katrina and Meghan burst through my door. We started chatting and decided to share a picture of our rooms with everyone to compare. Turns out, in everyone's room, there was a mode of transportation based on our parent, a pet (unless you already had one) and about the same layout. The only difference was the colors. I smiled. I hoped going to school with tons of demigods wasn't gonna cause any problems. Boy was I wrong.

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