Oh My Gwad // Calum

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Luke: Guys can you come watch a movie in the room?

Michael: why didn't you get up and ask us

Luke: because it's too far away..

Ashton: sure let me get the popcorn

Luke: you the best Ashton 😎

Michael: no cuddling and I'm in

Luke: boo hore

Ashton: *whore

Luke: 😧 who you calling a whore

Ashton: Oh god

I decided to set my phone aside as I sunk deeper into my seat.

This was actually really relaxing, I felt like sleeping until I felt a huge body thrown over my legs.

'OW!' I scream in pain.

'Hey Lucas.' Calum calmly says.

I frowned and pushed him over to the side and pulled my knees together and just cuddled myself in.

It wasn't long for Ashton and Michael to get in here, the movie was about to start, we were watching "Nightmare on Elm Street."

I've seen this movie a few times and it's not bad, I wouldn't call scary.. but If you were to watch this alone then yeah it'd be a scary movie.

Calum.. although, sat halfway into the movie and clung onto the pillow. He would occasionally jump here and there. I felt like laughing but he'd get so embarrassed and leave.

So instead I decided to keep my mouth shut.

That's until I felt a wet sensation began to soak my sock.

Jolting back, I scrunch my face up in disgust. 'What the hell!' I yelled in the process.

'What's wrong?' Ashton asks.

Pointing towards the lights, 'Michael turn the lights on' and just then everyone was off the bed except Calum himself.

My eyes widen and I shouted. 'DID YOU JUST PEE ON MY BED?!'

Calum's face turned bright red. 'No..'


Calum got off the bed and walked away with the dark stained shorts.

'Thank you for peeing on my bed Calum you are the best person in the whole entire world.'

I pulled re blanket off, wet. I pulled the sheets off, wet. 'woooow' I said.

Throwing all blankets off I collapse to the floor, now I gotta wash them!

Thank you Calum. Thank you.

*** Read:

First, I AM CONTINUING THE STORY FOR LAST CHAPTER, I just wanted to write this scene because...

My actual brother, had peed on my bed literally 15 minutes ago after this is posted.

No joke.


Let me know if your brother ever peed on your bed before xx

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