Group Message: I Can Explain

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Luke: ashton I found something under your bed...

Calum: OOOH! What you found Lucas

Michael: I bet it was a condom

Ashton: what did you find?

Ashton: wait what where you looking under my bed for?

Luke: I found six bras! SIX BRAS ASH! AND WIGS!

Michael: HES A WOMEN!

Ashton: I can explain.

Calum: oh yeah? Explain to me why my hubby has six melon packs and hair under his bed.

Ashton: totally innocent, and I can explain babe.

Calum: come at me!

Ashton: they are Luke's he told me to hold onto them while he figured out how to use a tampon

Calum: :O

Michael: :O Luke? :(

Luke: .. I can explain

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