Capítulo 9

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Clint and Steve shouted Natasha's name. Clint left the jet on autopilot and ran to the door of the jet, he looked Steve and shake his head like saying "don't".

Steve looked desperate, he put the shield in front of him and threw himself into the sea, he stretched his whole body until and hit the freezing water holding his shield.

Steve swam to the surface and Clint watched from above. The strange thing is that the body of Natasha wasn't anywhere.

Steve looked around for any sign of her and nothing. He looked up to Clint, who also didn't know why her body has not emerged.

Steve dived in the water and keep swimming and looking for Natasha, when he went up to breathe, he saw the motionless Natasha's body, tied to a hardware of some ancient vessel.

Steve went to get air and dove quickly to reach Natasha. He released her and brought her to the surface.

Clint turned to walk toward the pilot bank to rescue them when he almost was throwed out of the jet.

It was Carol Danvers who flied above Clint's head, she made a move and went down towards Steve and Natasha. She grabbed Steve by the arms that held Natasha tight.

She put them on the floor of the jet and Steve was shaking with cold. Clint ran to get blankets. He put one over Natasha and other covering Steve.

C: Let me put her on the stretcher.

Steve could not speak or release Natasha. Clint saw that Steve was petrified and he pulled Natasha from his arms. Steve grabbed Natasha harder.

C: Steve...

Steve looked Clint like a panther looks at anyone who tries to get close to their children. He would not free Natasha at all.

Carol touched Clint's arm.

Carol: We need more blankets.

Clint nodded and moved to get more blankets.

Clint approached Steve again.

C: Cap, I need to check her pulse.

Steve was shaking too much and just nodded, but didn't let her go. Clint checked Natasha's pulse, it was very weak but was still there.

C: Steve, it's better put her on the table...

Carol interrupted.

Carol: It's okay, Steve's body will level the body temperature of Natasha, but... Rogers, she's not breathing. I must revive her, okay?

Carol was comprehensive with Steve. Steve didn't answer. He laid the body of Natasha on the floor and held her icy hands. Carol started doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Natasha and managed to bring her back. Natasha spat water that was suffocating her and coughed a lot.

Steve hugged her again and pressed his face against her. Natasha revived but she was very tired and soon fell asleep.

Carol ran her hand on the back of Steve.

Carol: She will be all right.

Clint put more blankets over the two and returned to the driver's seat and called to Avengers base.

Tony answered the call.

T: Hey Hawkeye. Why that face?

C: It's Natasha.

T: Um, okay. I'll call Dr. Cho.

Clint thanked him and hung up. He activated a way to the jet travel much faster than the usual. Instead of five hours of travel, they would take two hours to the base.

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