Capítulo 19

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Almost one year has passed and the relationship between Steve and Natasha only improved, improved after the conversation between Natasha and his best friend Clint Barton. Steve was still dating Sharon, Natasha still felt jealous, but she is better with that, because now she learned to respect herself first.

Steve and Natasha spent a lot of time together in missions and training, even more time than Steve and Sharon had to be together. Sharon was upset because she missed being with Captain all the time, she was jealous because of the time, not of Natasha herself. She just saw them as good friends.

Sharon was having bad lucky, Fury demanded her presence on a mission in Tokyo, Japan. This mission would last 2 full weeks. She insisted to Steve come with her, but he couldn't leave the city for so long.

Sharon traveled on mission.


Late in the afternoon, after the day Sharon have gone traveling on mission, they were in the recreation room: Sam, Bruce, Carol, Rhodey and a Bucky Barnes depressed in the corner with disheveled and dirty hair.

Bruce was playing chess with himself. Sam, Rhodey and Carol were playing pool.

Natasha entered the room and went to the pool table.

N: Didn't call me to play this time, Sam? Are you afraid to lose to a woman?

Sam: Hah! You wish!

Rhodey: Well, since Natasha's here, we'll do a round of women against men.

N: Now you want to be humiliated by two ladies?

Natasha said with a sarcastic smile, joining Carol on the other side of the table. Carol picked up a bat and delivered to Natasha.

Carol: Let's kick the ass of these girls.

Carol said teasing the boys.

Natasha saw Bucky in the corner.

N: What's up with him?

Sam: Yeah, I almost took a beating to get him out of the room, but now he is here.

Natasha watched Bucky for a while, until Carol call her atention back to the game.

They were entertained with the game and decided that they would later have the night off and go to a bar to drink. They bet: whoever lost the game now will pay the round of drinks.

Steve entered the room and smiled to watch them having fun, he put his hands in his pockets and approached to them.

Carol: Steve!

Carol is always glad to see Steve and Natasha too, but Natasha is more measured.

Carol: Join us, Cap.

S: Oh no no, I'll be just watching.

N: Are you scared?

Natasha said as she bent over the table and prepare to give a shot. She smirked and looked Steve.

Wow, thought Rogers. When he thinks he's free of Romanoff charms, she looks at him that way and he already gets the heart accelerating.

Sam: Oh come on, come on. Have some fun. We are off tonight and tomorrow! Let's go crazy, come on.

Steve laughed at his friend.

S: Okay, but you're double. I need someone to pair with me

Carol: What about your depressed friend there?

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