Capítulo 11

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Clint said goodbye to Sharon and went to Steve's room. Clint knocked and waited.

Steve was leaving the bathroom, he was in shorts and he had a towel hanging around his neck, he wiped his hair with the towel as he opened the door.

S: Barton. What happened? Is it something with Natasha?

C: No, no, she's alright. I need to talk to you about something else if you don't mind.

S: Of course not, get in.

Steve pointed to the chair.

S: Please.

C: Thanks.

Clint sat and Steve sat on the bed.

S: So, how can I help you?

C: Cap, as you know my wife is pregnant again, you know for a woman this is very delicate and I couldn't be present when she was pregnant of Nathaniel, I don't want to miss that. In addition, I was wondering if I can go home, things seem to be under control now but I come if you have any emergency.

Steve smiled remembering the children of Barton.

S: You can go with one condition. Bring Laura's cookies when you return.

C: Of course.

S: I'm serious, the last time she sent, these cookies never made here.

C: Ham? Did she sent cookies?? Wow that's strange. I must have lost in the way, you know.

Clint evaded. Steve laughed and stood up. Steve reached out to Clint.

Clint stood up and firmly shook hands with Steve and gave him a hug followed by 2 pats on his back.

S: Congratulations, Clint. Have a good trip.

C: Thank you. I will.

When finished saying goodbye, Clint returned to Natasha's room, he thought Bruce would be there, but Natasha was alone, sitting on the stretcher. Even with the door open, he knocked the door.

C: Hey.

Natasha smiled at Clint. Clint hugged her and sat on the edge of the stretcher.

C: How are you feeling?

N: Fine.

C: Lying to me? What happened?

Natasha looked down and played with her fingers. She sighed and looked at Clint again.

N: Bruce.

C: What about him?

N: It's over.

C: Is it over? Why?

N: It doesn't matter, don't make questions, please. It's ended. I just...

C: You what?

Natasha didn't answer. Clint decided to guess.

C: Steve?

Natasha shook her head saying no.

N: I don't know what to do.

C: Well, what was in the way of you two getting together is out now, you can get together. That is what you want, right?

N: No. What are you talking about?

C: Is it not what you want?

N: Ham no, I don't know. I never thought about him that way.

C: No?

N: No, it started recently but I never took it seriously, but a couple of weeks ago something has changed between me and Bruce and between me and Steve. But I wasn't in love with Steve while dating Bruce, if it is that, what you're insinuating. How could you think that?

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