Say It Before You Choke Ch. 3&4

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Chapter 3

The next morning was spent yawning. With the newest addition to our staff, everyone was up and about at 6 am. Mascara was applied and lip-gloss spread, and we even had a few...eager girls who managed to look more like circus clowns than spies.

I myself didn't do anything. This Mr. Solomon had a secret, and I wanted to know what it was. I didn't want to impress him with looks, but my spying abilities.

But my roommates had other plans.

So I sat there, yawning in our first class, COW( Countries of the World). It wasn't a boring class, but no one was focused due to the fact that next period(which was in 5 minutes and 23 seconds) was our first Cove Ops class.

Class let out (everyone's internal clocks were synchronized and we had already memorized the schedule for the semester), but as we approached the mirror that would lead us done the path of the rest of our lives, the outside world stepped in.

"Code Red, Code Red." The speakers chanted and everything was being disguised. The sword of Gillian Gallagher was enclosed in it's steel case and retracted into the wall. It was then replaced by the bust of some man with a large nose and ears that stuck out of his head. Curtains came out of the wall and covered the beautiful painted canvases by Da Vinci and Rembrandt with pictures of our cover logo, a skull and crossbones (hard core right?).

A Code Red was not a rare occasion, although no one expected one on the first day. Professor Buckingham started shouting at the newbies and others and ushered them to the PE barn when my mother caught me and my friends.

"Cammie, I need you to give the tour. The juniors are unconscious from a gas leak and the seniors are a little, let's just say, blind at the moment."

I wanted to object, but Bex interrupted.

"Of course Mrs. Morgan. Cammie and I can handle it."

I sighed, and my mother ushered me to her office, leaving Rosie and Liz to go to the barn, alone. That can't end well.

But I had more important things to worry about.

Like the girl who was sitting in the office, staring daggers at Mr. Solomon and the parents who seemed worried.

And, maybe the fact that these were the famous McHenry's, the father a senator and the mother a cosmetic heiress in Europe. And Macey McHenry, the teen idol with her perfect skin and brown curly hair...

No, nothing important about that at all.

"Mr. and Mrs. McHenry, and Macey, welcome to the Gallagher Academy." My mother said, walking around to sit at her desk. Mr. Solomon was leaning against the wall and soon Madame Dabney (our culture and Assimilations teacher) and Professor Buckingham was also in the room.

"You were the one who kept us waiting." Mrs. McHenry pointed out, yet my mom's smile never dimmed.

"Yes, well, we have the best security for our students. Speaking of students, here is my daughter and her classmate, Cammie and Bex."

Macey looked me over with a judge mental look, and I felt even more insecure than ever. My hair was a mix between light brown and dark brown with every shade in between. I had brown eyes and was a normal skin tone. I was a chameleon, unnoticeable.

"She will show Macey around while we talk." My mom said, and surprisingly Macey walked out without throwing a fit.

"So, how about you walk over there and I stay here alone." Macey say to Bex, her bodily equal.

"I'm afraid we can't allow you to do that." I said, being ignored by Macey.

"You will come with us..." Bex said, grabbing Macey's arm.

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