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If you've ever felt that weight on your chest,

That feeling of impending doom,

Or God, even depressed,

And you know it's because of something about you you're not quite sure about,

Get help, oh my God, please get help.

I lost someone I didn't want to, because I waited far too long,

We're not getting back together, he's sadly long gone.

He saw too much evil in me, I don't blame him at all, however,

I found someone else, and they are fearless in the best way;

They can sit in the garden if they want all day,

They can take drives at night without the urge to swerve into harms way,

They don't have to count the freckles laying on their love's face,

They can just acknowledge that they'll forever be perfectly placed,

They can happily look in the mirror and have no need to pick at their face,

Finally, finally, I am okay.

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