Bad Boy: Chapter 8

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Vanessa's POV

Waking up that following morning in that foster home, I was scared and I refused to get out of my room till it was time to go to school.. which they drove me to in one of those special vans for me and my wheelchair...

An extremely tired and scruffy looking Niall was awaiting my arrival out the front of the school. He had a giant cup of coffee in one hand and was stifling a yawn behind the other. He had sunglasses on to and I had a feeling it was to hide eye bags.

He spotted me and rushed over to me. "NESSIE! Oh god baby, are you alright?!" he cried.

I shook my head and directed my chair towards the gates. "I can't stand that place Niall."

"Oh baby, I wish I could help you." he said, helping me by pushing my chair into the school. Only then did I see my brother standing and waiting outside my locker.

"NESSIE!" he cried out, and immediately burst into tears and ran over to me. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

He fell to his knees and hugged my upper body while sobbing into my shoulder. I held onto him for dear life, clutching the fabric of his shirt in my hands.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again." I whispered.

"I love you so much Nessie, I'm so sorry I've done this to you." he sobbed.

"Done what? Stopped someone from taking one of the most sacred things in my life? That's nothing to apologise for." I told him.

"For getting you taken away from me..... for putting you in that house.. I'm so sorry..." he cried.

He kept on crying heavily until Jeny came to the rescue and rubbed his back. "Babe you heard your lawyer, you have a strong chance of winning this case. She'll be back with you before you know it."

"I know, but it doesn't mean that I can't have guilt.." he whispered. Seeing Harry so torn up like this was heart breaking and gut busting. He'd always been the strong one in the family and now it was as if that person had never existed.

"Baby, you protected your sister.. she's grateful.. just.. spend all the time you can.. and in a couple of weeks, she'll be back home with you." Jeny said.

"Harry's right Jeny." Niall spoke up. "You may not see it, but you done a lot to be proud of. You should enjoy this time you get to have together. Most families don't get that privilege."

"I just. I love you Nessie, and I'll do everything I can to get you back as soon as we can okay?" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

It was such a simple gesture and for most little sisters it would be mortifying to have their brother kiss them in public. But for me, after the way that he's been acting and treating me ever since our parents left, it was a sign of change and it meant the world to me.

"Thank you Harry.... and please...... stay this incredible.... don't go back to the old you.. I love having my big brother back." I cried softly.

"I can assure you, the arse hole that used to be known as Harry is officially dead. He will never be making a comeback. The old me is back for good and he's here to stay." he said all of this while looking me straight in the eyes so I knew he meant every word he uttered.

"Thank you... and you better figure out how to keep Jeny forever..." I whispered just for him to hear. Right as I said that, Jeny's phone rang.

"Hello?" she answered, "What?! Why?! No! I do NOT! You can't make me!" Then she hung up and took off down the hall in tears.

"Jen! Jeny!" Harry yelled after her, but she kept on running. He sighed and patted my knee. "I'll see you later okay? Niall watch out for her for me please."

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