Chapter 3A

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Jen's POV

"Did he seriously just bust my ass?!" I snapped, rubbing my backside. Shit that hurt....

"If this is my brother we're referring to then most likely yes, yes he did." Nessie sighed.

"My god... that hurt like hell..." I said.

"Then stand up to him, don't let him treat you that way if you don't like it." she said.

"I just... I don't know... I'll deal with his stupid ass tonight...." I grumbled.

"Yeah tonight.... I don't know why, but something about this whole party thing isn't sitting right with me." she told me.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Hey Vanessa! See you tonight!" we heard, before that blonde football player passed by and winked at her.

"Ummm....I...I forgot." she swooned.

"Okay then... Niall's gonna be there... and he knows your NAME! Be happy." I chuckled.

We gathered our things and headed out the front door with her, to walk the half a mile to her house.

"I can't get over how pretty England is." I gushed as our feet crunched over the fallen leaves on the foot path.

"Yeah... it's great," she shrugged. "I guess..."

"Coming from where I've grown up, this is stunning." I told her.

"Alright, I trust you." she giggled. Once we got there I saw a stunning white convertible in the driveway.

"Slammin car... your parent's?" I asked.

"Nope, Harry's." she answered with an envious look in her eyes.

"Wow! I love it.. it's like super sexy... why don't you have a car?" I asked.

"Because I don't have my license yet because my parents won't take me out driving and Harry's their golden child. No matter what he does they over look it." she ranted.

"Ohhh, well thats insane...... man he's such a jerk..." I grumbled. A hot sexy mysterious jerk.....

"A jerk who you happen to have the hots for." Nessa snickered as she stuck her key in the lock.

"Yeah I guess..." I giggled.

We headed in to see Harry moving about getting things ready for the party tonight, in a towel.. and his hair still dripping wet. I felt the wind about knocked out of me.

"HARRY!!! CLOTHES!!!" Nessa shouted.

"Clothes are pieces of fabric that are worn by people to keep their bits covered. Now why are they being mentioned?" he responded.

"Because you're not wearing any!" she exclaimed.

"I have a towel on..... I'm covered." he chuckled.

"Yeah....towel.....covered." I choked out.

"Hey Miss America... does my half nakedness bother you?" he asked.

"Nope!" I squeaked. "Not at all, as you please. It's your house." Wow I was making a right fool out of myself. There goes my plan of being mysterious.

"Mmmhmm, I thought so... see you girls in a bit." he smirked, and head upstairs.

"Smooth Jeny, very smooth." giggled Vanessa who was heading in the direction of what looked to be the kitchen.

"I just.. my god..... to be greeted with that... I just.. God I'm such a slut.. can't I just.... have him.. just for ten minutes?" I laughed.

"As long as I don't have to see or hear anything, I could care less about what you do with him. But don't say I didn't warn you if he suddenly turns into a bastard from hell." she said.

"I don't expect anything from him.. jut great sex ad be done with it.. But for NOW We have a make over to attend to." I grinned, and led her upstairs.

"Jeny you're already gorgeous, you don't need a make over." Vanessa said.

"Not me, you! For when Niall comes, just trust me." I said.

"I do trust you, and trust ME when I say you have your work cut out for you." she huffed.

After about two hours.. I had her all ready, and myself.

"Well then... there is a hottie under there..." I grinned, and let her look at our reflections.

Her entire face lit up when she caught sight of herself and she let her curls fall through her fingers. "I...I don't know how you did it Jen. I look....I look...."

"Hot." I chuckled.

"Yeah that." she said, a pink tinge spreading across her cheeks. "I can't thank you enough."

"You are so welcome... Niall won't know what hit him." I said.

"It'll probably be me because I'm not the best at walking in heels. I'm like Bambi being taught to walk by his mother." she explained.

"Those are wedges girl.. more balance..." I giggled. "But come on.. let's walk about the house, get used to them, before everyone gets here."

We managed to get down the stairs without serious injury, although I wished we had've stayed upstairs because some of Harry's friends had arrived and he had morphed back into a prick.

"Bout fucking time! Vanessa I need you to do something useful and help make food." he barked. "You know a simple please would be nice." she said.

"Are you talking back to me?" he snarled.

"She is.. stop being an ass!" I said, glaring at him. He was getting less and less attractive by the minute.

"Don't need to be one when she has one big enough to be seen from space." he smirked. One of the other guys shouted in approval and he and Harry slapped hands in a high 5. Vanessa's bottom lip quivered and I just glared at him, before whispering for him to go upstairs, when she did, I reached back and slapped him hard in the face.

"You're a dick.. and with that attitude.. it's probaby tiny one!" I said and stormed upstairs after my friend.

She was sprawled out on her bed, her body shaking with sobs and her face buried in one of her pillows. I sad beside her and rubbed her back while trying to contemplate how one person can go from being a decent person, so a complete tool in the blink of an eye.

"Shhhh, Nessie, it's okay.... let's just.. skip it... and stay up here? okay? Then we can sneak out later and go to my place.." I whispered.

"Why does he do that to me? I don't know what I've done to make him hate me and treat me so horribly. We used to be so close Jeny." she sobbed, her voice muffled my the pillow.

"Shhh, I don't know Ness, I don't.. it's those stupid friends.. thinking he needs to behave a certain way.... OR he's just a dick..." I said. "You thirsty?"

She nodded and I handed her a wad of tissues, then stood from the bed. I pushed down on the door handle and as I opened the door, I was met with a solemn looking Harry who had his fist raised, ready to knock.

"Leave her alone.." I said, and shoved him back to head downstairs.

"Or what? You'll smack him again? That was so hot." smirked one of his friends who was coming towards us.

"Let him try and find out..." I grumbled, and kept walking. "By the way.. hot... keep dreaming..."

"Oh I plan on it." he purred in my ear.

"Will get away from her." Harry growled dangerously. "She's not one of your play toys."

"Says the one who's determined to fuck her by night's end." the guy snapped.

I froze in my place and tightened my fists at my sides. "EXCUSE ME?!" I snapped, turning to face Harry.

"You heard me sweetheart, Harry here has been talking about luring you into a bathroom and making you scream his name. Why do you think he even threw this party? It was all a cover." the guy named Will said.

"Are you serious?! This.. all this?! was to get into my pants?!" I shouted. "You... you. YOU ASSHOLE!" Then a few more explicits escaped my mouth, before my hand connected with his face again and stormed off.

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