Bad Boy: Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

"Babe... will you walk me home, Harry left?" Nessie asked me after school.

"It'd be a pleasure." I smiled. "I've gotta grab something from me gym locker real quick though. I'll meet ya out the front in 5?"

"Okay.. thanks babe..." she smiled and kissed my lips, before heading to the locker room.

I got what I needed and was about to leave, when I overheard a conversation that made my ears prick up.

"So you think this is gonna work?" one voice said.

"Duh, it's Styles' little sister, she's too pure to put up a fight. She'll be putty in Will's hands." said another smug sounding voice.

"Alright, buy if he or Horan finds out what he's planning, he in for it." The other voice said.

My body went numb and my heart dropped into my stomach. They were after Nessie. I craned my neck around a set of lockers and spotted to of Will's goonies as I liked to call them laughing moronically.

I had to get to Harry and tell him fast! I raced out, got Nessie in the car like lightening then rushed her home so I could tell Harry. I tore into their driveway and yanked Nessie through the front door.


"What?! What?! Whats going on?!" Harry asked, rushing downstairs wrapped in a sheet, Jeny not far behind in his shirt and boxers.

"That fucking bastard you used ta call yer best friend is after yer sister!" I snarled.

"After her? What do u mean to hurt her?" he asked me.

"No! Sex!" I hissed, repeating what I heard.

Harry's mouth formed a thin line and his eyes went cold and dark. "How do you know this Niall?"

"I heard it come from their lips." I said.

"I'm guessing 'their mouths' is a reference to his brain dead side kicks?" he growled.

"Pretty much." I said with a nod, just as angry.

"And did the idiots happen to let slip exactly what he was planning to do to her?"

"I only caught the last part of the conversation, but I knew it involved sex because they mentioned the words pure and putty in Will's hands." I said.

Harry nodded and pointed to Nessie. "You're not to go anywhere alone do you hear me? No where, not even to the toilet. I want someone to be with you at all times."

"How Harry?" Nessie cried.

"I don't care how, I just want you protected constantly. I am not risking anything happening to you, especially at the hands of that bastard. Do you understand me?" he said firmly.

"Yes, I understand.” she said.

"Nessie don't give me that tone of voice please." Harry sighed. "I've been a screw up of a brother until now, I want to prove to you that I do care and that I can keep you safe."

"What about Jeny? What if he goes after her?" Nessie asked.

"I can protect myself honey." she said. "Not many people know this about me, but I'm a black belt in karate. I'll just go all Jackie Chan if I have to."

"Oh no, you're under protection orders to." Harry told her.

"Don’t order me around Harold." Jeny growled.

"I'm trying to keep you safe Jennifer." Harry defended. "I'd never forgive myself if he did something to hurt wither of you and I could have prevented it!"

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