Bad Boy: Chapter 3B

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Harry's POV

After the pain subsided, that's when my anger took over. I crashed my body into Will's and pinned him against the wall. "What the fucking hell is your problem?!" I spat.

"Suck to be you mate...." he snapped. "Besides... now that she hates you... I can be a shoulder for her to cry on."

"So that was your plan all along? Build us up, only to tear us down later so you could swoop in and play hero?" I snarled.

"Pretty much yeah, with her AND your sister." he said silkily, a smug look in his eyes.

"You better stay AWAY from Vanessa." I snarled. "Now get out!!!" Then I shoved him toward the stairs to leave.

"No thanks, think I'll hang around for a bit.": he said as he slid down the bannister.

"Why are you sticking up for me?" I heard Vanessa say from her door. "You hate me....."

I sighed heavily and turned on my heel. "I never hated you Nessie."

"Really? Because you had an awfully funny way of showing that." she said coldly. "Knocking me down in the hall, pushing me into lockers, calling me horrid names, leaving me at school without telling me. Hiding that LIVE SNAKE in my locker."

"I only torture the ones I love." I tried to cover, "I love you Ness... I just... I have a reputation..." "And a reputation should NEVER come before us... and nice lie to Jen by the way.. our parents our out of the country... they left us both and you know it! They send money to help us survive and they pay shit, but they are NEVER around! Why would you lie to her about that? Why can't you just be honest with yourself? The've LEFT US HARRY! GONE!"

"Because by admitting that to another person....then I'd have to admit to myself that it's true and we really are alone." I admitted to her.

"But we are Harry... All I have is YOU! And you're horrible to me!" she sobbed.

"And you think I'm proud of that?" I asked her.

"You sure as hell seem like it every time you strut away snorting with laughter with your moronic mates." she snapped.

"Nessie I love you.. and I'm sorry..." I said softly, reaching out to hug her.

She thrusted her hand outwards and they collided with my chest, knocking the wind out of me slightly. "Don't. You think you can just make a little speech and it'll take away all the shit you've done to me this year?" she sniffled.

"No.. of course not... I'll umm get rid of everyone...." I said and headed downstairs. I got rid of everyone but Niall and Jen. I wasn't gonna force her from her best friend and I needed a mate who wasnt a douche.....

"What's goin' on Harry? I coulda sworn I heard yelling upstairs." Niall said.

I snorted loudly. "Yeah, one of my so called mates and I got into a heated discussion. Fucking arsehole."

"Ohhh gotcha...... your sister okay?" he asked.

"I dunno." I mumbled. "She errmmmm....we haven't exactly been on good terms lately so she kind of hides away from me and doesn't tell me that kind of stuff. And what's been going on with our parents hasn't been helping the situation."

"What's going on with your parents?" he asked me.

"They left for Paris.... three months ago and never came back..... They send us money occasionally, but they're pretty much absent..." I said.

Jeny stared at me with wide eyes, an expression of disbelief present on her face. "So....the two of you have been on your own for the past three months?"

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