Zion POV

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What I'm about to do is completely nerve wrecking... Lexis' birthday is tomorrow night and I have everything planned out for what I'm doing for him. What I'm about to do is the finishing touch.

I planned a big birthday bash for Lexis. I blocked him last week on Instagram and Facebook, then sent out a mass invitation. I rented out Club Majestic which is the biggest club outchea.

I am so freaking anxious for this party. Any ways, my finishing touch is inviting his parents and my parents. I know for a fact that my mom will come out and support but I'm not completely sure about my father. But, on the contrary, my father isn't totally hard to reason with. he can be kind of complicated at times but he gets over grudges fast.

I decided that I'm going to invite his parents first. I mean in this case they are more important because they are the father of the birthday boy. I have never actually met them but I have seen them when Lexis was on FaceTime with them.

They seem pretty cool. I decided to call his mother instead of his father because I just felt more comfortable with her. No shade to his father. I called the number that I memorized out of Lexis' phone. On about the 3rd ring she anwered with her angelic voice.

Layla- Hello?

Zion- Hello, is this Mrs. Layla?

Layla- Yes, sweetie is this Zion? Lexis' friend?

Zion- Yes ma'am... How did you remember me?... If you don't mind me asking...

Layla- How could I forget such a beautiful face? Also, your the only one of Lexis' friend girl that I like. All them other girls have know respect for themselves. They were up to no good.

You see this is why I like Mrs. Layla. She shines such a positive light. That's something I can vibe with.

Zion- Well thank you Mrs. Layla but I called you to see if you can do me a favor...

Layla- it depends on what it is, honey.

Zion- Well I have planned your son a huge birthday bash for his birthday... I was wondering if you could come down for it. I have rented out a night club for tomorrow night at 8:00. It would mean so much to me to have you there. I was thinking that halfway through the bash, I would have you and his father come out onto the stage and say a few words. I know its a bit late but like I said, it would mean so much to not only me but him as well...

Layla- Of course Honey... Oh, I am so excited! No other friend of his except his friend Mory has ever done such a thoughtful thing for him. Do I need to bring anything?

Zion- No ma'am. Just bring your self and your husband. I have your stay covered at the Ritz Carlton as well if you come...

Layla- Okay, well let me pack up my suitcase and let his old man know... We will be there by tonight around 10. I will call you when we land darling.

Zion- Okay. Thanks so much!

Layla- No problem honey.

I hung up and released the breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I then dialed my mothers number. She picked up sounding happy.

Kim- What's popping?

Zion- Mom please don't try to talk like us...

Kim- Who is us?

Zion- My father and I...

Kim- Whatever... But what's up?

Zion- I was wondering if you would come down tonight or in the morning because I want you to meet Lexis' parents and I want you to be here for his birthday bash...

Kim- Of course! We will leave out tonight...

Zion- Alright thanks mom! Let me know when you get here, I will book you a reservation at the Ritz Carlton hotel...

Kim- Aight.

I hung up. Thank the Lord those were the last two invitations that I had to send out. I took a breath of relief before laying flat out on my bed. I hate being alone so I got up and pulled on my sandals. I grabbed my cell phone and my keys and walked out of my dorm.

I walked to the boys dormitory and up to Lexis and Morys door. Daya answered and smiled at me. I smiled at her before nudging my way past her, purposefully hitting her shoulder. She smacked her lips together before pushing me in my back making me arch my back. I laughed at her before high fiving Mory and smacking Lexis upside the head. He looked up at me with a mug before licking his lips and pulling me down onto his lap. I smiled at him before kissing his cheek. He was on Instagram scrolling through ecards. "Mory and Daya can I speak with you both for a minute?" They nodded while Lexis gave me a questioning look. I ignored it before pulling them completely outside of the dorm because Alexis is mosey as hell!

Daya- So Wassup?

Zion- Well as you both know... I planned a big ass bash for Alexis... Mory do you think you could keep him busy until the party and away from everybody?

Mory- Yea I got you...

Zion- And Daya, I need your help to help set up...

Daya- I got you best friend...

I nodded before we all awkwardly walked back into the dorm. Lexis looked at us annoyed before I walked over to him. I sat on his lap for about 5 seconds before he gently stood me up. He walked me to his room before closing the door and locking it. I sat on the bed while he stood by the bed gathering his thoughts before speaking...

Alexis- What was that about?

Zion- What was what about?

Alexis- What did you tell Mory and Daya that you couldn't tell me?

I looked down while fiddling with my fingers. I was never good with withholding secrets so anytime I was pressured I just stayed quiet.

Alexis- Are you going to answer me?... Listen I'm not trying to be rude but I thought we agreed to tell each other everything so if your not going to tell me, I can show you the door.

Zion- I can't tell you Alexis... Just trust me...

Alexis- I will trust you when you tell me so what's going on?

Zion- Calm down, it's honestly not that serious...

Alexis- Well if it's not then tell me!

Zion- I swear, if I could Alexis then I would! But I can't! Why can't you understand that?!

Alexis- Well until you can, you can leave out my dorm.

I shrugged my shoulders before standing and exiting his room. Most girls would be on the verge of tears but I'd look dumb as hell crying over a nigga. Only nigga who can make me cry is my daddy and that doesn't happen. If Lexis only knew he wouldn't be fucking with me... I walked over to Daya and pulled her up from Mory. "Sorry Mory, but I need my best friend right now." I spoke. He nodded before walking us to the door. He kissed Daya on the lips before shutting the door behind us. On the way back to our dorm I explained to her everything that happened, not leaving out a single detail. Once I finished, we had arrived at outer dorm. We walked into our dorm before plopping onto our couch and placing in Love and Basketball. On me that's my favorite movie! I stood up to make popcorn as she followed behind me, fixing our drinks. "I understand where he is coming from but you did tell him to trust you. I'm positive that he will come to his senses and before the night is out, he will be over here apologizing. But if I were you I would ignore him until he sees you tomorrow... And when he sees what you planned for him the guilt will be unbearable." She spoke confident in her solution. I nodded as I went back to sit down as she went to go get blankets and pillows. I guess we are crashing on the floor tonight.

*1 hour later*

We received a knock on the door. I rolled my eyes as I walked to the door. I peeped through the peephole to see Alexis. I decided to take Zendaya's advice and ignore him. I went back to lay down as Daya and I tried to reframe from laughing at him standing outside apologizing. Soon, I didn't hear him anymore so I peeked out of the door and he had left. I looked at Daya and we both begin to laugh hysterically. When it died down, we slowly drifted off to sleep.

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