The Girl Who Can Control Everything!The Red Haired Man Shanks!

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My body burned as I sat on the roof of a building and ate moldy meat as I watched the maroon sea crash on the island beach. I sighed remembering the time when it was blue and pretty, it's been forever since I've seen the sea in it natural beauty. I'm thirteen now and its been eight years since I had seen any other color other than red, maroon, or scarlet. I heard my stomach growl and it made my brain hurt, I groaned and hated this feeling.
"Are you feeling alright, mystery girl." I looked over to see the small girl that always followed me around calling me 'mystery girl' because I don't have a name.
"I found this." She said and held a weird looking fruit, it was shaped liked a pineapple but it was grey and had swirls on it.
"I wanted you to eat it. It called a devil fruit I stole it off a guy from town." I took it and looked at it.
"Why do you want me to eat it." I said and she smiled and sat her flat ass next to me.
"Go on eat it." She said waiting for me to eat the fruit and I sighed.
"Why don't you eat it." I said and she pouted and stuffed it in my mouth making me eat the thing whole. I coughed at the horrible taste in my mouth.
"Are you trying to kill me." I said and I felt like throwing up at the really shitty taste of the devil fruit.
"No but now you can't swim." She said smiling at me and I sighed knowing she knew I hated to swim I didn't see why it was funny to her, she had a natural talent for swimming.
"Oh also I heard that the marines are coming back and are going to make the island back to normal." I spit on the roof and heard the water sizzle on the very hot roof, I got frustrated remembering what they did in the first place.
"I'm calling bullshit, someone on the island was telling another idiot who believes that the island will become better is ridiculous. The marines lit it on fire for a reason, either we had something important here or something they didn't want us to see." I said and she looked at me like I had never said this to her before. I sighed and stood up seeing a boat in the distance, it looked like five of them and as they got closer we saw the flag on the main mast. It was marine ships sailing closer to our island, Amy stood next to me and smiled telling me I was wrong that they were coming back to help us. I huffed as she laughed at me and poked my cheek like I was a bad child for speaking my mind.
"See what happens when your stupid." She said to me and I rolled my eyes as she climbed down the latter we made to help us get up here without going all the way inside, it was just easier this way. I frowned and followed her to the harbour to see the marine and give them a proper welcome, she waves her hand and smiled like she just saw a friend she haven't seen in forever and then her expression went black as a bullet passed through her forehead and she fell lifeless to the ground. I looked at her and felt a bullet pass through my stomach and passed through my body and hit the ground, I turned grabbing my wound and running to the nearest building. I looked at my bloody hand and breathed heavily and could feel my rate growing faster and faster, I took off my over shirt and tied it around my waist.
"Shit." I cursed and took a peek outside the window and saw the marines unloading and kicking in doors and I heard shouting from the villagers screaming and then the marines guns go off and then nothing, I knew they were dead and tears flowed down my cheeks and I sighed wiping them away and I picked myself up and was giving myself the courage to kick each and every last marine until their dead. I kicked open the door open and walked out with my eyes full of anger and I screamed telling every marines where I was. They all circled around me and pointed theirs at me and fired, I used my devil fruit power to stop every last bullet and shoot them back at them. Marines dropped dead but most of them stood up and looked at me like I was a demon. I lifted my hand and pulled it back pulling my power to my fist, the force circled around my fist and I thrusted it forward and yelled.
"Force-force Lightning!" The rest of the marines were blasted back and knocked on buildings that busted or cracked their heads open. I ran and jumped over building and stood up on one of them seeing marines attacking people I didn't know, I dropped down and flipped on my hands and kicked them in the face braking their jaws. I was in the middle of a circle with the people I didn't know, I breathed and punched or kicked marines. They laid beaten and to bruised to move or they were dead, I spit on the ground and it came out red. It sizzled away and I wiped my mouth clean and I looked at one of the people I didn't know and saw he had three scars on his left eye with scarlet hair and a goatee.
"Shanks." I said and he smiled knowing who I was and I knew the man as a friend of my parents.
"You look just like your daddy, but it looks like you got your mom's temper." He walked over to me and gave me a hug, I hugged him back feeling that it was nice seeing someone familiar. He grabbed my chin and looked at my dirty face, and he smiled poking my stomach wound. I made a face and he untied my shirt to take a look at the damage, I touched my head and made a chuckle.
"I'll have a doctor take a look at it and you have to tell me where your daddy left that note for me." I nodded and told him the house it would be in, I coughed out a little bit of blood. He called over the doctor and the man patched up my wound with a bandage as Shanks went to get the note.
"So I guess you guys took out the marine ships that were stationed out side of the climate." The doctor shock his head telling me how they beat them and I smiled and then bit my lip in pain as the doctor finished wrapping it, I watched him clean up the blood that was left by marines that I killed or hurt. He cleaned my knuckles as they were bloody and beaten from punching marines.
"The notes got something here for you." I heard Shanks say and he handed my the dusty white piece of paper, it was written in red ink and was scribbled like he was in a hurry.
"Darlin I want you to get the hell out of this island and find a great man named Whitebeard he'll help you find us." I smiled knowing my dad would want me to see him again and I sighed knowing I couldn't get off the island without a ship.
"Want to do me a favor." I said to Shanks and grinned at me like I was some cute little child.
"Let me stay on the ship until we hit an island and then I'll leave to continue my journey alone." I finished and he just laughed.
"Why don't you just join Roger's crew we could be having fun together." I rolled my eye and scuffed at him.
"I can barely handle you, now what makes you think I can handle you all the time, anyway Roger wouldn't like you coming after his brother daughter like this and aren't you a cabin boy, that wouldn't be fun at all." I folded my arms and he ran his finger through his hair and sighed.
"Well anyway Captains waiting for us to come back." He grinned looking at me.

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