Son Of A Bitch!

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Nine Years Later
I drank out of a glass full of sake and I listened to the music playing in the corner and seeing some of the men and women dance was funny, I took a drink and smiled feeling the alcohol flow to my cheeks and making my mind feel loose. Then the dancing and the music stopped as a pirate crew walked in and ordered drink for themselves, I put up my hood and his my face from them. They might want to take me in and get my bounty, Thats right I got a bounty. I'm already wanted by the world government and it makes me feel freaking happy that its up to sixty million berris in the past nine year. I rode with Roger for a little while but I had to leave and make my own journey finding my parents but first I need to find this Whitebeard and tell him I need him and he'll be nice and help if not I'll kill him. I smiled and took a drink of my sake, I heard a laugh from one of those pirates and the captain took the seat next to me.
"You look pretty want to join my crew and be fucked by good looking men like me." I almost spit my sake out of my mouth I laughed and punched the man knocking him over.
"You think your hot, I've seen monsters that look better." I laughed at my own joke and he kicked up trying to stab him with my dagger that I had strapped to my thigh but he was far off and I took my knife and stabbed him in the throat and laughed hearing his crew pull out their swords and I looked at them and laughed.
"You bitch." I heard one of them say. I dodged his sword and I flew up in the air and saw them wide eyed and yelled saying I was a devil fruit eater. I put up my hand and gripped at the men's throats with my power.
"Force-force Twist!" I looked at the men's heads break and twisted like an owls but their heads ended where they were looking at their backs and seeing everything from behind them. My black boots touched the ground and I dug in my shorts and pulled out four gold coins and tossed them to the bartender.
"That's for repairs." I said and waved at him to say goodbye. I sighed and took down my hood and covered my eyes from the blasting sun light, I looked in front of me and saw a man looking at me with a smile on his face. He had blonde hair and wore a blue shirt that he left open so he could show off his muscles, on his chest was a tattoo that looked like a cross with a sideways crescent moon shape. He was good looking and looked kinda young, I could see him walk closer to me and I put up my fists as he grabbed his katana that was around his waist.
"Who are you." I asked as I put my hands down and he let go of his katana, he threaded his finger in his blonde hair that looked like it was only on the top of his head and looked like a pineapple. I covered my mouth almost ready to laugh but I bit it back and he walked closer to me as his sandals kicked up dust as we were standing on a desert island.
"You must be the girl everyone's freaking over about, I heard you even turned down being a warlord~yoi." He smiled and put his hand in his slack pockets.
"That's me and who are you." I said and he laughed being cocky and he scuffed at me like I should know who he was.
"I'm the first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates~yoi." I looked at him and put my hands in my jacket pocket and made a face like I never even heard of the name Whitebeard.
"Whitebeard?" I questioned and he pouted and sighed over dramatically and I looked at him with a confused look, I laughed in my head knowing I was a amazing actor.
"Whitebeard is the greatest man I've ever met~yoi." He walked closer to me so we weren't yelling at each other, we were staring at each other and he made me bit my lip on how strangely cute he was.
"They call you mystery woman. Don't you have a name~yoi." I shock my head no and he narrowed his eyes and I put my hand on my hips and was getting annoyed.
"Is this going to be twenty questions or what." He laughed and pointed behind me.
"No I was just waiting for my friend to get behind you and cuff you~yoi" I heard a clicking sound of sea stone cuffs being locked on my wrists. I looked at the blonde man in front of me and I snarled at him knowing he made me angry.
"Come on Teach let's take her back to Pops." I heard him say and the man behind me pushed me forward following the blonde haired asshole.
"You know you're pretty." I heard another man's voice say right next me he had a disgusting face with missing teeth, I growled showing him my teeth and he got a nervous face on looking at the blonde in front of us.
"Marco she's not very friendly, are we sure that captain wants her." He said and I rolled my eyes as the man Teach pushed me forward, we made it to the harbor and there was a huge ass ship in front docked there. It was beautiful a ship, it had a white whales face on the front of it and blue railings with gold window.
"Its beautiful." I said out loud and the men laughed at me as I was admiring their ship.
"Well its been holding the Whitebeard pirates for generations~yoi." I heard Marco say and I scuffed hearing his voice, they jumped up and walked on the whales face, I thought the wall would have been apart of the deck but that was it at all. It just its own part, I walked down steps that took us to the deck that was also very huge. The man of the hour was sitting a huge chair as the man was almost the same size as the chair, I thought Whitebeard was a regular seized man but fuck no. They put my in front of him and I was smaller than him, I'm fucking stupid if I try and fight this man. He laughed and put his finger on the top of my head, feeling my hoodie and pulled down hood the making him see my face easier.
"I know that grey hair anywhere, you must be Holland and Talho's daughter." I was surprised that he could tell who I was from just my hair, the crews mouths were open and shocked that my parents even had a child.
"Teach, take off her cuffs." The fat man did so and I took my hands and felt how sore they were, I looked at him and wondered why he would let me go knowing I could take him. Maybe.
"Gararar why do you look surprised child." I looked at him and put my hands in my pocket and opened my mouth to speak.
"Why aren't you surprised, I'm his daughter." I asked and his laughed roared louder than I thought, he was a proud man I can tell you that. I was actually very proud to be in front of this man.
"We are all children of the sea." My eyes widened and I wasn't expecting him to say that, I coughed bring myself back to reality even though I didn't understand why he said that.
"Would you help me find them." I asked him and he smiled leaning back in his chair and drink sake from a fat bottle that was just way to much for an old man to be drinking in one sitting.
"I don't know where they are." He admitted and I stomped on his deck and yelled at the captain.
"Bullshit!" He looked down at me and saw I was angry but he was angry at me for yelling at him, the crew was just watching the excitement of what their captain would say next. He smiled at my intense stare.
"Beautiful and clever, just like your mother." I put on a smile and he picked up his sake bottle and drank it.
"Become my daughter." He said and I turned confused wondering why he would ever want me as his daughter, he knows who my parents are why wouldn't he kill me like the rest of the pirates on this sea.
"You can't do that." I said and he slammed his arm down looking at me like I was some ant that he could take care of, I mean he could but he didn't want to.
"Why's that." He said calming himself as I could only smile at the man's juster to calm himself for me.
"I would only use you." I said putting my hand on my chest telling him that I'm not a good person to trust, he didn't do anything but thought of a reason why I would betray the strongest man in world.
"What would you accomplish by using me." He said to me and drank the sake bottle dry and throw it to the side as nurses gave him another bottle.
"Finding my parents, they left Roger a note. The note mentioned you and said you would help me find them." He laughed and put the sake down and gave me a look that made me really flustered, he put his finger on my forehead and smiled like I was one of his own.
"I'll help you, just remember if you betray me like a bad girl I'll have my son's kill you without you even knowing it." I bit my lip as he threaded me and I just smiled telling that it was a deal, the air went silent until the man Thatch raised his arm and yelled.
"Come on men we have a girl on the crew, let's treat her to one of our parties." The crew yelled as he finished, they pulled out barrels of sake and rum and any kind of food that the crew enjoyed. I was dragged into a drinking contest and won with flying colors, the men were surprised by the way I wasn't buzzed from drinking eighteen shot of rum.
"Damn you sure can drink." I looked at Marco and he smiled at me holding up his drink to make me cheer with him, I bumped his cup and we drank our alcohol. I was feeling loose and was having a blast they do know how to throw a party, the day went on as the ship sailed down the unknown territory that was the grand line. I was resting against the railing and looking at the stars not seeing them in forever as the rest of the crew danced and was drinking there hearts out, Marco sat next to me as I was still looking up at the stars and dark blue sky with the tiny little lights.
"Why are you looking at them like you've never seen stars before~yoi." He took a drink of his sake and watched as my eyes started to water.
"Cause I never have." He coughed almost spitting the alcohol out of his mouth, the fuzzed dripped down his fuzzy chin and then dropping to the deck. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him.
"There beautiful." I said and he smiled looking up at them like he wasn't fazed by my actions. Thatch stumbled over to us and he was way past drunk, he hit my arm that didn't hurt me in the slightest.
"You having fun." He said in his drunken slur and I laughed covering my mouth not wanting him to know I was laughing.
"I sure am." I said hitting him back and he grabbed his the middle of his arm and held it saying 'ow' I rolled my eyes.
"Pussy." I said taunting him and just smiled giving me a wink.
"I am what I eat." I laughed same with Marco and I remember falling asleep at that point.

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