Chapter 8

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(Sky's pov)
I wake up when I feel my shoulder shake. I open my eyes and look up. "Yes Jordan." I said. "Come with me." Jordan said. "Okay" I said as I got out of my bed. I followed Jordan off the bus and into a medow not that far form the venue. As we walk into the small flowered medow, I saw a picnic and the person I wanted to see the least Johnnie. I stop dead in my tracks "what is he doing here?" I snarled. "Just trust me." Jordan said as he graved my hand. I smile and followed him to the picnic. "Can we talk?" Johnnie asked. "About what?" I asked already knowing the answer. "I love you and only you. He is the one who kissed me. I didn't mean for this to happen. I want to be here for you and this baby." Johnnie said. A tear rolled down my face. "I c-cant do this." I said as I got up and ran to the venue. After I was far enough away from the medow, I start to walk knowing they wouldn't come after me. I walked with my head down. I bumped into someone. I look up, more like down, and see my idole Vic Fuentes. "I-im s-sorry." I stutter. "No worries." Vic said. I sigh in relief. "Are you ok, you look like you've been crying?" he asked in his deep Mexican accent. "Yea I guess, boyfriend trouble." I answer truthfully. "Wanna talk about it?" Vic asked ginually concerned. "Sure I guess." I answer. "Ok follow me." Vic said. I follow him to his bus. When we enter, my eyes scatter around the room to Tony, Mike, Jamie, Kellin. "Hey babe, who's that?" Kellin ask and gestures to me. "Guys this is Skyaler and she's having boy trouble so I asked if she wanted to talk about it and yea she's here so don't make her feel uncomfortable." Vic finished explaining. I told them everything and I mean everything like what happened between me and Jacob, the baby, Johnnie. After a few hours of talking, I looked at my phone and said good bye to everyone as I walked to my bus. I got on and laid down in my bunk. I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.
Sorry I had to have Kellic in this story. I ship Kellic almost as hard as I ship Kohnnie. In so lame I know.
New characters added:
All of Pierce the veil
Kellin Quinn

Skyaler at warpedWhere stories live. Discover now