Of Lovejoy and Love

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After rescuing the Mount Weather kids from certain death, Bellamy adopts a little boy with the last name Lovejoy, the son of a guard he had previously killed.

There was movement outside the tent and Bellamy's arm instinctively wrapped tighter around Clarke's waist. She moaned and snuggled into his chest, her breath teasing the skin just below his jaw. He gazed down at her and smiled, running a quick, steady hand through her hair.

The tent flap opened and Bellamy reluctantly drew his eyes away from Clarke's sleeping form. He felt her as she fisted his shirt in her hands, wanting him to stay, even in her sleep.

Bellamy looked over his shoulder. Lovejoy was standing nervously at the entrance of the tent. The little boy's eyes were huge and, even from this distance, Bellamy could see that he had crusted tears marring his cheeks. Bellamy opened an arm and beckoned him over. Lovejoy took small steps to his bedside.

"Hey, little man," Bellamy whispered, his voice scratchy from sleep. "What's wrong?"

Lovejoy's eyes slid from Bellamy's as he stared down at his feet. He sniffed and roughly rubbed an arm across his red nose. Bellamy placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Hey," he said again, ruffling his blonde hair.

"I had a bad dream, Bellamy..." Lovejoy's voice was soft and unsteady. Bellamy's eyes immediately softened.

"Was it...was it about your dad again?" He asked cautiously. Lovejoy nodded and tears began to flow down his cheeks.

He threw himself into Bellamy's arms and cried like all six year olds do. Bellamy, at first, was unsure of what to do with a crying child. He resorted to stroking Lovejoy's small, quavering back. The boy had no family, no one in this world to care for him.

Bellamy and Clarke were his only family.

In between sobs, Lovejoy tried to talk but it was all muffled by Bellamy's shirt. He felt responsible for this kid. He was responsible for killing his father.

"Can I sleep in here?" Lovejoy asked, looking up at Bellamy.

Clarke stirred at his side and blinked her eyes open. Bellamy had one arm supporting her head, the other wrapped around Lovejoy. She nuzzled his neck before realizing that the little boy was here too.

"Lovejoy?" She murmured. He nodded against Bellamy's chest, his blonde hair bobbing up and down. "Hey buddy." She added, placing a delicate hand over his much smaller one.

Lovejoy smiled weakly before turning towards Bellamy.

"Can I?" He whispered. Bellamy didn't know what to do. His lips were moving but no words were coming out.

Clarke poked Bellamy beneath the covers.

"Yes," he said immediately. "You can spend the night here."

Lovejoy smiled the widest smile Bellamy had ever seen. He climbed over Bellamy and Clarke scooted over, patting the mattress. Bellamy lifted the covers and Lovejoy snuggled deep in between him and Clarke.

It reminded him of when Octavia was little and when she used to nightmares. Bellamy would spend the entire night with her under the floor.

Within minutes of Lovejoy burrowing himself into Bellamy's side, the little boy was asleep. He felt Clarke reach over and brush the dark curls out of his face. Bellamy closed his eyes at her touch. When he opened them again, Clarke was gazing at him with love and adoration.

"You did good here, Bell." She whispered, nodding her head at Lovejoy.

Bellamy caught her hand, upturned her palm, and kissed the soft skin. Clarke grinned and Bellamy could just see her toes curling beneath the sheets. She did it every time he kissed her and he thought that it was the cutest thing ever.

"I love you." He mouthed.

Clarke smiled sleepily and yawned. "I love you more, Bell."

And they fell asleep like that. Bellamy holding Clarke's hand. Clarke's arm supporting Lovejoy's head. Lovejoy snuggled into Bellamy's side and snoring quietly.

They made quite the little family.

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