Inhaled You

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Clarke Griffin has just returned to Camp Jaha after escaping the horrors of Mount Weather. She has never felt more alone, consumed by her fear of isolation. Only Bellamy Blake, the one person whom she trusts with her life, can comfort her in the way that she needs to be comforted.


Clarke stepped tentatively into his tent. Despite the biting cold, she was only wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts that barely clung to her hips. She shivered inadvertently. Winter was quickly approaching and Camp Jaha was fortifying itself for the worst. Clarke sensed they were running out of time, that they wouldn't be able to beat the coming storm.

However, the winter chill was not what brought her to Bellamy - it was the emptiness of her heart. She was alone. She felt totally and utterly alone. Even her own mother did not comfort Clarke in the way she needed to be comforted. And Raven spent all her time with Wick, consumed with the need to overcome her injury - her own demons.

"Bellamy?" She whispered again, stepping further into the tent and feeling slightly self-conscience. He was given one of the nicer ones. It was a decent size with thick blankets and a large mattress spread out across the floor.

"Yes, Princess?" Came his mumbled reply.

Clarke hesitated. She shouldn't have come here - she should have just stayed with her mom in their tent. This was a mistake. She turned her back and nearly fled.

"Come 'ere." Bellamy uttered, his voice light from fatigue.

Clarke gazed over at him, studying his profile. Apparently the cold didn't affect him because he was shirtless, his bare chest covered only with a light sheet. He patted the mattress beside him. It took Clarke several moments before she found the courage to walk over and lie next to him.

Bellamy lifted the blankets so she could climb inside. Immediately, she was met with warmth and the smell of leather and spice. She instinctively placed a hand on his chest and gasped at the heat radiating of his body. Clarke pulled back quickly.

"You're so hot." She whispered.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Bellamy teased and Clarke lightly smacked his shoulder. He reached out and gently grasped the back of her neck. "It's alright Clarke..."

His hands traveled from her neck to her cheek as he lightly traced circles upon her skin. She shivered again, only this time not because of the cold.

She crept closer to him and pressed her head into the crook of his neck, breathing in Bellamy's warmth. Without words, he seemed to understand what was wrong. There were no words needed to comfort her, only his presence could do that. And they lay there together, with Clarke pressed against his chest and Bellamy running his hands through her hair.

. . .

Bellamy could feel Clarke trembling in his arms, despite his efforts to warm her. Clarke Griffin - strong, smart and independent, was not one to be scared so easily. However, she was only human and all humans feared something. Isolation is what Bellamy feared most. It was what tormented Clarke in this moment.

"Clarke..." he murmured, kissing her temple. He never craved anyone as much as he craved Clarke. It wasn't like most of his previous relationships, if one could even call them relationships, this was something more. This was a partnership.

"Bellamy," she whispered. "I'm scared..." and as if embarrassed by the notion, buried herself deeper into his embrace. His arm, wrapped around her waist, traveled up beneath her T-shirt and began to rub circles across her back.

"I am too." He replied softly, his breath against her ear. She smelled of Earth - of pine and mint; a scent that Bellamy found incredibly intoxicating and incredibly comforting all at the same time. Clarke lifted her head, gazing up at him, her eyes wide.

"You? Afraid?" She teased lightly. He grinned, something he had not done in a long time. He stroked golden strands of hair away from her face.

"Everyone's afraid of something," he commented. "You aren't human if you have no fear."

Clarke reached up a calloused hand and touched his stubbled jaw. He closed his eyes, feeling her warmth through her fingertips. His hand on her bare back slowly traveled to her waist and he felt Clarke respond to his touch.

"And what are you afraid of Bellamy Blake?" She murmured, bringing her lips to where his chin met his neck and lightly kissed him. He knew in his heart what he feared the most, but telling Clarke? His mind blurred with her kissing his skin.

"I'm afraid..." he began, the words stuck in his throat. "...of losing you." Bellamy croaked. Clarke stopped and he caught her hand against his cheek. He brought it to his lips and delicately kissed each and every finger. She stared at him in wonder.

He gently tugged her shirt back down over her waist and pulled the covers tighter around her. She was no longer cold.

"Can you sleep now?" He prodded. "You woke me up from a very riveting dream about Murphy..."

Clarke giggled into his chest. "I don't even want to know."

And Bellamy kissed her forehead, grinning.

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