When Two Worlds Collide

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Chapter 1

Cas's POV

"Doctor Novak! He's in critical condition, we are running out of time!" Nurse Bradbury was running alongside the gurney, the young man on it unconscious.
"I am aware, Charlie!" I was frantic. This man was losing a lot of blood. I had never lost a patient, and I wasn't going to start then. I turned to the man that had brought our patient in. He looked like a mess. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to wait here. We will do all that we can." I rushed with Charlie into the operating room. I put on my mask and gloves while she hooked up the machine.

"Sixty over fourty! We are losing him!"

"Not on my watch we aren't!" The operation went smoothly, everything evened out, and I had saved another one.

Sam's POV

I ran alongside the gurney, not far behind nurse Bradbury, worrying to death. I couldn't believe Dean would do this. But he did, and now the nurse was saying that we were losing him. That couldn't happen. I couldn't lose Dean. Not now.
"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to wait here. We will do all that we can." Dr. Novak had me sit down in a small waiting room outside of the operating room. It felt like a torture chamber. I had no way of knowing what was going on on the other side of the door. Was Dean still breathing? Thinking? All I could think about the whole time was what if something went wrong? Or if it was too late? It seemed like forever before Nurse Bradbury came out of the OR.

Dean's POV

I could feel but I couldn't see. I could think but I couldn't speak. Why couldn't Sammie just let me die? Everyone around me had always died. Wasn't it my turn? It had all went so well, the razor, the cuts, the blood, and then Sammie came in, and now here I was, riding a gurney to an operating room. Now, I could only hope that I would bleed out before they could help me. A ray of hope shone through as the nurse, Charlie, announced that they were losing me. My only regret was leaving Sammie. But he could handle himself. He was strong. They got me into the OR and I could feel needles. They hurt, but my mind was going fuzzy. I could think, but it was all like muffled screams. They had made Sammie wait outside, and I knew he was worried. I could feel myself beginning to fade out of consciousness.

"Goodbye, Sammie. I love you. Take care of yourself, and get out of the family business." The muffled voice of my thoughts were screaming. And right then I realized that I couldn't die, I couldn't leave Sammie. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. My thoughts then started screaming for me to wake up. Scratching at my eyelids to open. It was no use. I was going to be completely unconscious any minute now. I kept fighting to wake up, until it was all gone, all black, I was gone.

Chapter 2

Cas's POV

As soon as the operation was over, I wheeled the patient out of the back of the OR. As soon as I got him situated with his IVs, I had to cuff him to the bed, to ensure this wouldn't happen while he was here. As I was leaving the man stirred awake. He looked like he was trying to say something, but all he did was stare at me.
"Hello, sir. You have undergone quite the operation. Would you mind telling me your name?" All he did was stare. But he stared with intent, like there was something he really wanted to say. I then understood what was happening. The lack of blood flow had damaged the signals that were supposed to make him talk. This could be permanent or temporary, there was no way to know until he had been conscious for a while.
"I'll send your brother in."

I walked out into the waiting room. Charlie was already speaking to Sam when I called her over.
"Give me one moment, Mr. Winchester." She said as she was walking over.
"What have you gotten?"
"Our patient is Dean Winchester and that is his brother, Sam. Dean has been manically depressed for a while now, so this was sadly no surprise for him."
"Wow. Well, there were some complications. He can't speak. He wants to, he tries to, but he can't even make his lips move."
"We'll have to see how that works out. I'll go in and check on him."
"I'll go talk to Mr. Winchester."

~Gotta cut it short here... bedtime. I'll work on it in the morning, I promise. Night, guys! -CharlieDean~

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