Hate is a Strong Word.

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Mitch's POV
Journal entry #2
Imagine. Imagine is a blissful word. It's full of excitement and dreams. It's a place of which one can escape to, hoping to find a perfect world. That's what I do in my spare time, I go to a perfect world. A world where I'm perfect, where I fit in the puzzle. But then there's the word reality. It's when your mind realizes that the world your dreaming of is fake. That's why I hate the word reality. But hate is a strong word. So I'll use strongly dislike. For that word sounds more delicate then the word hate. So here it goes. I strongly dislike Jeremy Lewis.

That little bastard thought it would be a good idea to take my journal away from me during lunch. Luckily I was in reality and decided to delicately grab it from him. If delicately means pouncing on him till people became even more scared of me.

So here I am. Sitting in the principles office waiting for my gorilla mother to run in screaming at me. Everyone is always displeased in me. No one could even walk a centimetre in my shoes.oh great the principles coming in with a monster otherwise known for as my mother. Well another day another dollar.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi I hate you!" My mother growled softly so no one would hear. She grabbed me and sat me down in a chair. Funny, she used the word hate. What's not to love here folks? Mr. Clark the principal sat in front of us mesmerized by my mother and me.

"Mrs. Grassi I'm very sorry to interrupt your schedule but this hooligan has been up to no good today." My mother didn't even look at me. She just nodded. "I think that's going to add up to about a week of detention after school." Mr. Clark said glaring at me. Yeah like I have anything better to do. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with him." My mother spoke up, "I don't know what's gotten into him these days." Mr. Clark nodded.

"Mitch I think it's time for you to go now. Just go home for one day and please come back better tomorrow." Mr. Clark pleaded. "Oh he will." My mother said through gritted teeth before dragging me out of the school. The car was full of silence until we arrived home.

"Mitch I don't even know who you are anymore." My mother said softly while letting me in. I'd say the same for you. "Mom he took my journal. He basically took my personal life." I said quietly. My mother shook her head frustrated, "don't lie Mitchell." I looked down to the floor as tears poured out, "I just hope one day you'll understand me." I then ran up stairs with my backpack in my hand and closed my door quietly. I sighed deeply. I needed to get away from here. Far away too. So far that no living soul would recognize me.so I decided on that. I grabbed my only backpack and filled it with clothes, Chargers, my computer, you name it. I then opened my window silently without even leaving a note and left. I than ran. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I then spotted my secret hiding spot and decided to camp there for the night. Luckily I was smart enough to pack a sleeping bag so I was good to go. Soon I saw a a short brunette girl. I hid so she couldn't see me. She was with the one person I didn't want to run into. Jeremy Lewis. She than turned around to face the spot I was under. Kirstin Maldonado. She was even more gorgeous at night. Soon Jeremy got up and left Kirstie. Once she thought no one was around she began to cry. I watched her cry until I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of my sleeping bag and comforted her. She didn't seem to care that I was there and just continued to cry. Once she was done crying she faced me.

"Mitch I'm so sorry for hurting you." She rested her head on my shoulder shocking me. I leaped back surprised. "Sorry again." She said looking down. "You must hate me." I shook my head and looked at her.
"Hate is a strong word. And I don't hate you. Even if you've beaten me up several times." She laughed a little bit and looked at the ground. Soon she realized what was going on and asked me. "Why are you here with a sleeping bag?" I turned to her serious.

"I've had a ruff life at home. I just had to get away. So under that tree is where I get away. I'm going to sleep there tonight." She looked at me like I had just won the noble peace prize.

"Hell no your coming to my house." She said. And with that she packed up all of my stuff and lead me to her house. It was big. Way bigger than 4 of my houses put together. I followed her upstairs as she lead me to a huge room.

"This is the guest room. Please make yourself at home." And with that she carefully put my bag on the bed and left leaving me in my own world. I decided to take out my journal to put down my daily question.

Daily question #2
Is this all a dream?

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