6. Two Birds One Stone

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A/N: I am soooooooo sorry for not updating in forever. I'll try to update both stories as soon as possible.

--Tuesday After School--

Viola: "Mom I'm home and I have some friends with me."

Rossy: "Hi Ms. Locket"

Mom: "Hey Rossy. Okay sweetheart, I have an appointment at the salon.

Your father will be working late tonight. I have to go, be safe. Bye." *leaves*

Viola: "So should we get started. What kind of dishes do you two want to make?"

Rossy: "I'm not sure. What kind of dishes are you two making?"

Viola: "I made a spicy chocolate cupcake as the dessert. And I have an idea for a

sort of spicy and sweet appetizer, so I guess our topic is spicy and sweet food."

Rafael: "Not a surprise, Ethan eats anything spicy. He hates

sweets so if he actually ate the cupcake, then shock of a lifetime."

Ethan: *looks down*

Rafael: "Dude, you actually ate something sweet!?! This is legendary." *laughs*

Ethan: "Shut up." *looks away*

Viola: "Anyway I have a box full of recipes that are simple if you want to look threw

them. Just wait a sec." *Goes into pantry* (It's so big in here. Where are they? I know

it's in here because mom used them yesterday.) *Spots the box* ( It's all the way

up there!?Why would she put it up there!? It's too far. (╥_╥) My enemy, the top shelf.)

Rossy POV

Rossy: (I wonder what's taking her so long. Maybe she can't find or reach the box.)

"Hey Ethan. Maybe you should go check on Rossy, she could need your help."

Ethan: "Okay... I guess." *Walks into the pantry*

Rossy: "Hehe..." (Who knows what can happen in there.) ( • ̀ω•́ )

Viola's POV

Viola: (This is very stupid of me. What if I fall?) *climbing the shelves* (I'll break

my arm or something like that. But I'm so close, I don't need anyone's

help. I've got thi-) *falling with eyes shut tightly, and wrist hits the shelf* "Ahh.."

(What happen? I should have fell. Oww my wrist hurts.) (。•́︿•̀。) *opens eyes*

Ethan: "Are you okay? You're a little clumsy you should be more careful."

Viola: (Omg! I'm in his arms.) ●/////●*Covers face with hands*(What do I

do? I'm blushing really hard and my wrist hurts, but I don't want anybody

to worry about me.) "I'm fine. Umm.. could you put me down?"

Ethan: "You're covering your face, are you sure you're okay?"

Viola: "I'm fine, see." *uncovers face* "Can you put me down now?"

Ethan: "Okay." *puts her down* "Why don't you just ask for help?"

Viola: *gripping on her painful wrist and whispers* "It's embarrassing to ask for help this tall."

Ethan: "Just ask me for help." *grabs box and smiles at her*

Viola: *Bump Bump* (My heart is aching, but in a wonderful way. Why?) (ŏ_ŏ)

"Whatever. Let's go those two are probably waiting for us."

As both of them left the pantry, they see Rossy and Rafael whispering to each other.

Viola: "Hey what are you two whispering about?"

Rossy: "Nothing"

Viola: (They're hiding something) "Anyway, choose the recipes you want to create."

Rafael: "Are you sure we create them now? I mean it's your food and all."

Viola: "It's fine. There's plenty of food and ingredients. I told my

mom about this assignment, so we went grocery shopping yesterday."

Rossy: *wraps arms around Viola* "Ms. Locket is so sweet, like Viola." *Winks at Ethan* (~_^)

Ethan: *looks away* (Why did she wink at me?)

Viola: "Let's get started, so what recipes have you two decide on?"


Viola: (We're all working on the recipes Rafael and Rossy chose. I'm showing Rossy

how to make German Chocolate Cake, not the box cake mix kind. But now I have to

whisk it together, with my wrist like this it'll be hard. I feel selfish when Rossy

worries about me. So I just start whisking with shots of pain striking my wrist. (✖~✖)

Ethan's POV

Rafael: "Hey man, maybe you should help Viola out."

Ethan: "What?"

Rafael: "You should go see if they need help?"

Ethan: "Okay... " (What is he thinking? He probably needs help not

them.) *walks towards the girls and sees Viola wincing while whisking*

(So she did hurt herself in the pantry. She's probably trying to hide it.)

"Hey Rossy. Rafael told me to come over here and ask if you two need help,

but I think he's the one that needs help. Can you go help him?"

Rossy: "Uh..sure." *leaves* (I can't help but smile. ^_^)

Ethan: "You can stop whisking. I know you hurt your wrist in the pantry."

Viola: *Tense up* "I...I don't know what you're talking about." (How did he know?

I tried not to show my pain. Σ(⊙▽⊙") *starts whisking faster* (It hurts, a lot. (╥_╥))

Ethan: "Stop. You're gonna hurt your wrist bad." (She's not listening to me.)

Viola: "I'm fine."

Ethan: *Wraps around one arm her body and pulls her away from the whisk and the bowl

with other.* "I don't want you to get hurt bad, so please stop. I can whisk for you."

Viola: *Trying to shove him while blushing hard* (●/////● EH!!) "F-Fine....j-just...j-just let go of me!"

Ethan: "You promise?" (Why is sh-...oh, is it because I'm hugging her? But I'm not really

hugging her I'm just wrapping my hands around her. Maybe it's because she doesn't

want those two over there to see us. She's kinda adorable when she acts like this.)

Viola: "I promise. Now let me go."

Ethan: "Okay."

Rossy's POV

Rossy: *grinning* "Aren't those two cute together?"

Rafael: "I never really seen Ethan interested in any girl before. It's kind of funny."

Rossy: "But I don't think they need our help to get together, they'll be together eventually."

Rafael: "Yeah. She seems pretty cool."

A/N: hehehehe ^.^

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