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?: "Hello, Cherry Blossom."

Viola: "Wh-Wh.....I-I-I.....Huh?" (Wh-Why? Wh-What?)

?: "You were probably excepting someone else, weren't you? I won't be

surprised if you've forgotten about me. Sorry to surprise you like this."

Viola: (Why? No. H-How? Could I forget. I-I've never forgotten. You

and everything dealing with that. Every year I would be sad on that

day.) "Pl-Ple-Please.... d-don't call me that. Wh-Why are you here?"

?: "After you got out of the hospital I didn't want to bother you because you

heard the story and seemed depressed. I knew you were going to be adopted

by the two adults that were trying to talk to you. I didn't know where you

went, so I decided that I should I wanted to stay near here. If someone wanted

to adopt me but lived far, I made them hate me. I was finally adopted 4 years

ago but they lived about two hours from the Adoption Center. At the time

I thought it's time for me to leave, it's no use for me to wait you weren't coming

back. But my adopted parents and I moved closer to the Adoption Center

and this school, I just transferred here. I didn't know you were going to be here, it

surprised me I was happy. After two weeks I decided that maybe it's time I told

you I was here. And you remember me." *Tilts head with a soft smile forming*

Viola: (I-I thought may-maybe one day I could forget all of it. The guilt

drains me and suffocates me. W-When he's near me I could never forget. He could

have forgotten about everything. Why did he have to remember me?) "Why

are you happy to see me?! D-Don't you remember what happened?

Why do you seem so happy?" (My voices keeps cracking and I-I can't-)

?: "I'm happy because of you. I get to see you. I like you. I've been liked

you, that's what I wanted to tell you all these years. How could I not

be happy?" *Heads towards Viola and softly lays a hand on her cheek.*

Viola: "S-Stop. Y-You shouldn't be here." *Silenced by a kiss but she

pushes ? away from her and starts to cry* "I-I told you to stop. I-I can't-"

?: "Sorry. Wait."

Viola: *Runs out of the room* (I have to get outside,

no go home, I don't know where to go. I can't breath.)

Ethan's POV

Ethan: (Good job Ethan you forgot your textbook. I wouldn't go back for it if I

didn't need it for an assignment due Monday. I left it because I wanted to catch up

with Viola but I think she left anyway. I should just give up on trying to talk to her.)

*Runs into someone* "Sorry. Viola! I thought you went home already. Are you okay?"

Viola: "Stop. Stop. Stop. Please. Let me go. I can't-"

Ethan: "No. You are crying? What happened?"

Viola: "Just let me go." *Shoves him away and runs home.*

Ethan: "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry." (I'll go to her house later to

check on her.) *Decides to run into the school, grab his book, and sees someone

as he walks out.* "Hey. Why were you in Mr. Waltson's class? He left earlier."

?: "Why does it matter to you? I was just meeting someone."

Ethan: "Were you the one to make Viola cry?"

?: "How do you know her?"

Ethan: "That doesn't matter." *grabs the person shirt

collar* "Don't hurt her you better stay away from her."

?: "Is that a threat. Your not her boyfriend so why are you so protective of

her? Wouldn't she be mad if she found out you physically hurt someone?"

Viola's POV

Viola: (I-I c-can't. I-I can't.) *arrives home and runs through the front door*

"Mom! Mo-" (I'm light headed, dizzy, suffocating, and chest pain. It's been a

while since I've felt like this.) *Collapse and hears screaming as she blacks out*

Ethan's POV

Ethan: "What about you? You hurt her."

?: "I didn't mean to."

Ethan: *lets go of the shirt collar* "Whatever. Just stay away from her."

?: "Keep saying that and I'll be closer to her then

you would know. My name is Anthony, remember it."

Ethan: "You'll remember what happens to you the next time you hurt her." *Walks away*

A/N: Hehehe ≧∇≦ who's side are you on? Ethan or Anthony? I choose Viola's side.

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