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So there I was, sitting in my lab...a failed experiment...a wasted DOCERO...how could I forgive myself? Even Antonio was a better person now, cleaning up my house and all.
     I walked outside just to take a walk...probably my last walk before the great apocalypse. As I was walking, I encountered a dog fight between a large bull dog and a tiny poodle. The poodle looked so helpless. It didnt stand a chance...I thought. About 7 minutes later, the bulldog was down...dead...kaput...with the dead poodle limping. I stood there, astounded...surprised...like for real?! Then like a meteor it hit me so hard I couldn't ignore it. I was the poodle! I couldn't just give up! I was gonna die anyway but at least I could try. I could get some of the physophicon on me and fight them on the same level! Then I would destroy everything! I could still save the world...more importantly myself! I went to for my long parked car, the Bugatti. Duty called. To Mount Lacteto!
     So here I was at Mount Lacteto. There was a string of cars lined up at the base of the mountain. I'm sure Mary's whole organisation was here. I parked in the string of cars to make it seem like in was one of them. I got down to start executing my plan. Unfortunately I had already been spotted.  All the goons, even Bruno, dropped their physophicon crates and dipped their hands in it...oooh if I survived this,  I was going to live a righteous life. They had finished dipping themselves and were charging at me, Bruno leading. Yes, I was here to save the world...but it was running time! I took off, adrenaline powering my every step. If they could beat me even with my powers then now I was just chaff. I ran around large rocks and weaving through small paces,  causing many of them to crash into the large rocks, but that wouldn't stop them. They were relentless! All of a sudden they all stopped. I noticed it and also stopped.  What was going on?! To my surprise and much more to my dismay, they jumped together,  and hit the ground! Right before my eyes my dream a year ago was coming true...
     It was raining cars. I was running, swerving each one. Oh no! My bugatti hurtled towards me. All my money, my precious car. As I run, fighting back tears and debris, I tripped over a stone. I fell to the ground. I turned my head in time to see my car almost on top of me. I raised my hands like a white flag, welcoming my death with closed eyes then...
     I opened one eye. All the cars were stagnant in the air! Wha..?! But how could I do this when my hero blood...of course! No one can take every drop of blood out of one's body...and one drop is all took to make me DOCERO once more! The look of disdain on the faces of the goons was more than priceless. I smiled,"I know you missed me. Anyway I've got to go. Bye bye."I made the ground they were standing on turn upside down with them inside.  I wasn't trying to be evil but if I didnt kill them they would just come again. Couldn't risk that so I had to end it now. I was sure Mary and Percy were at the top awaiting the crates. Ihad an appointment at the tippy top...
     I had cloned Bruno and carried some crates to the top.  Mary saw me and said," Finally you show up! What took you so long?" I said nothing I just turned around slowly and changed back into DOCERO, costume and all. She didnt seemed too surprised,"Percy, you see? The 80% efficiency of the machine wasn't enough! I told you he could regain his power!" Then she turned to me,"I guess we will just have to...kill you!" I jumped back just in time as she tried to stab me with a spectorysyl dagger. She ran at me, swinging the dagger wildly. In the meantime Percy opened the physophicon and ran to start filling the caskets. How dumb could I have been to have brought those crates? Had to move fast now to fight Mary AND stop Percy. Hell of a job!
     I pushed Mary and she fell. The dagger slipped a few inches away.  I blew a hydroglufic wind that sent him of the edge of the mountain. He was done for...since he forgot to dip himself this time. I ran to the caskets.  I couldn't explode them because they were covered in spectorysyl...spectorysyl...spectorysyl...yes! It would explode when it hit something very hard. I had to push these caskets over the mountain. Just then Mary pushed me aside. She was about to stab me when I hauled her off with great effort. She went over the mountain edge. Then I used the last ofmy powers to push the caskets over the edge...BOOM!!!
      YES!!! I saved the world! Woohoo!  I would sleep for a long time after this!..Uh! I felt a burning pain in my thigh. I looked down only to see the spectorysyl  dagger sticking out of my leg...that meant...I...was dying...but...why? I could feel tears flowing down my cheeks as I sank to my knees. I was only 37!..but there was nothing I could do...
    I gathered all my last power and propelled it all into the air, to locate a worthy hero. With my last breath I said, "Chemical Battle 101" I shut my eyes and decomposed forever. My power diffused out of me in the form of orange mist and went up into they atmosphere...


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