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Believe it or not the next day I was over Mary. I stepped out of bed. WHOA! The roof seemed lower. I brushed it off. It was impossible for a 40 year old like me to grow tall. I went to bathroom to freshen up. My bestie Raymond, was coming over .

     Raymond arrived at 3:00pm. Dang! I took a huge bite out of my burger and hid it under my pillow. Forget the ants. This was a burger I just couldn't bring myself to share. I rushed to the front door and opened it.

"Raymond! Long time no see! So how's life?"

"It's all good. Was in Miami this week. The parties, the beaches, the fun, I just couldn't get enough! So what's up with you and Mary?"

     My expression and mood was instantly transfigured into a solemn composure. Her again! "Well she...she...she broke up with me! And guess what?! I dont care anymore!"

     Raymond came over to where I sat and patted me gently on the shoulder.  I was expecting consolation but he said,"So...got any food around here?"

     My mind quickly recollected the scrumptious burger that awaited me under my pillow,"Uuuh I dont know. Lemme check." I ran to my room and devoured the rest of the burger. Well, so much for best for last. Then I dashed to the kitchen.  I took two glasses abd filled both with water. Then I poured sugar in one of the glasses and stirred till foamy. Voila!! Homemade sprite.  I was quivering with guilt as I walked to Raymond with his sprite. I was having my own prayer service in my head. I hoped her couldn't tell the difference.

"Elvis! This sprite is...amazing! Where did you get it. I'm soo buying some of this stuff!

     Uh-oh. That wasn't part of the plan. "Uuuuuuh it's from my uncle's wife's auntie's son."

"Oh okay. Can I have his number then? "

"He died last week."

"Sorry for your loss. I hope..."

"Yes yes. Let's change the topic."

     So we talked for some more till it was time for Raymond to go. I saw him off to his car. Just before he drove off,  he said, "Oh and Elvis,  next time add more sugar to your "sprite". Hahaha". He drove off, leaving me to eat his dust. I smiled. Raymond would never change. I went back inside for dinner.

     After dinner I went to my room to sleep and then I saw it...the vial! It was sticking out of my bag on my bed, near my pillow, with a crack on its side. Where was the liquid in the vial?! Oh no! I was in soo much trouble with the ENCORE HOSPITAL.  I suspected the chromophystic acid mixed with hydroglufen poured somewhere. Anyway I guess the hospital had more. I got into bed to sleep.  Didn't want to be late for church. Y'know early to bed and early to rise makes a...a...a...yeah.. so I went to bed.

     The next day I woke up quite early for church. I put on my best clothes after bathing and drove to the house of the Lord.  As I was about to enter the auditorium, I banged my head on the door frame. OUCH!!!!! When did the door frame come lower?! "Oh Elvis, silly you! Take off the heels.  It'll do you no good.  There's nothing wrong with being short", an old lady called out. But I wasn't wearing any heels.  Could I really have grown tall?! But how?! I tried not to think about it, but it kept bugging me. What was happening to me?

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